
Is John McCain suffering from Dimentia?

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I want John McCain to lose with all my heart, but this is ridiculous. This seems like some kind of set up. He would have been better off with Rudy, or Mitt.




  1. It's more proof that he just doesn't get it.  He thinks women are so stupid they will vote for just anybody because they are a woman.  Talk about hypocrisy!  He's been hammering Obama that he doesn't have the experience - then picks as his VP a woman who two years ago was mayor of a town where her most important duty was changing the bulbs in the one traffic light.  On top of that - he runs ads saying Obama was disrepectful for not taking Hillary since she came in second.  So why didn't McCain pick Romney or Huckleberry (whichever one of them came in second).

  2. I think he knows he will loose this election and will blame the woman!!

  3. **I hope this paints a clear picture of how McCain is willing to do whatever it takes to become President, whether it means putting our already deeply indebted country into more debt or sending our troops to a war that isn't ours. This move was clearly not for the best interest of our was a total political and non governmental gamble..

  4. Being a Nurse and know how terible that can be, I do not wish that on anybody.

    But he had an empty moment.


  5. No.

    Not very tolerant of older people are you?

  6. Yes i was all about Romney, but she is able i think to unite the party and i think that is a good thing now, so we should get behind her and let her run with it. so i say good for her!

  7. McCain is about as swift in the brains department as Bush.    

  8. He wasted his pick just to get attention.....HE NEEDS attention and used the VP to get that...he didnt care what she stood for or doesnt even know her...he needed attention,..........and he;s getting it now...

  9. you know that's sad to say:

    I've have always looked forward to every election to see what the future might be.  I'm never about hating the opponent...I feel the democracy works and supports who is voted for and try to understand if I don't as to why the majority voted against what I may have voted for..

    Both sets of persons ( i can say that now instead of men yeah) for the positions have been chosen by their parties and I trust the parties decision to pick the best.  Then we trust the country to vote for who they want to lead us the next 4 years.

    We never know what may be ..we have to support and get over this t*t for tat c**p...

    ok my son is a Marine...he never complains...about a thing!

    what do you do?

    and I surely hope the best candidate wins!

    I love America no matter what.

  10. No.  Your "question" unveils your bias.

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