
Is Keith Olbermann capable of objectivity?

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It seems like everything he says is colored by his extremism. Is he fiit to report the news when he has such a strong anti- American bias? How can you trust what he says when he agrees with Michael Moore?




  1. i think he is on the same level as Sean Hanity

  2. he is not extremist, but he is not objective... the same way that no one on fox news is. Fox does not report the truth, they have been admitted by former administration officials to be a tool of the republicans

  3. As a Air Force family I can tell you that we DO NOT support Obama. Living in this culture I can tell you that 99% of the servicemen and women do not support Obama

    Can you please explain then why oversea servicemen have donated to the Obama campaign by a margin of 6 to 1, over McCain and the entire military supports Obama 2 to 1 over McCain?I think you don't know what your talking about. Unless you think there sending Obama money but hopes he looses.

  4. Man, Keith Olbermann really blows. What happened to that guy anyway? He's really sold out. He's not what I consider true reporting & I seldom watch him unless I'm in the mood to be p'd off.

  5. No one believes him... he's full of hot air.

    For a long time he had his audience thinking him and Bill O'Reilly were at odds because he was taking his viewership. It was so stupid but many believed him. Olbermann had about a 10% share and O'Reilly 90% in the time slot. He kept on over and over and would quote how much his numbers were growing. For instance going from 5 to 10% was a 100% increase in viewership. He pretended that O'Reilly was worried.

    It worked for him since so many bought it hook line and sinker and he started to grow his base. But since he was a sportscaster and in that element, all he was doing was "trash talking." It worked for him in politics.

    He clearly knows what he is doing... he's not stupid. He's like live wrestling and many of the viewers knows he's a fake, but there are many that buy him hook line and sinker.

    Many think he is on the opposite end of a Rush Limbaugh, but the character he developed for himself is a much different animal. It is all about how it is done in sports and in particular live wrestling. He's pretty cool, in my opinion, and I'm a diehard conservative. Also like The Colbert Report.


    Right you are about your Air Force family! Many that don't have any family in the military buy all the c**p about how the Democrats just love them to death and they love the Democrats, but all you have to do is go to a military base and you will find out real quick how much the military likes Obama or even Hillary. These liberals are dirt as far as they are concerned and see them as being "used" for their own political gain. Each time the Democrats get in, the military gets cut and life becomes harder.

    If it was up to the troops they wouldn't let a Democrat step onto their base.

    Speaking in Germany and avoiding the military hospital due to lack of a photo-op was enough for most personnel to know Obama's number.

  6. You must be kidding! You must be confusing extremism with extreme passion ( for reporting the truth ).

  7. I would say that Keith's bias is anti-right wing, not anti-American.  Sorta balances out Billo the Clown and Rush (well not really).  At least he doesn't have a history of drug use or sexual harrassment.  

    Perhaps Keith, like many folks, are pissed off at Bush/Cheney starting a war based on falsified intel. (See source)

    I suppose the families of the soldiers who have died thus far, more than died on 9/11, also have an opinion.  Is it un-American for Keith to report that US soldiers in Iraq support Obama 6:1?

  8. Have you seen Fox News lately? It's the same exact thing.

  9. Olbermann is obnoxious, but you're wrong too.  It isn't extremism or anti-Americanism.  Neither is Michael Moore's stuff.  If you think that's extremism, you haven't seen extremism.  You're playing the propaganda game, and Fox News told you the rules.  Attacking your opponent's patriotism is getting old.

    Just because I find Olbermann, Hannity and O'Reilly extremely annoying doesn't mean they're "extremists."

    You thinking Fox News reports the truth validates us in having brought it up in the first place.  We could tell you regurgitated their arguments.

  10. Olbermann's views are clear.  He doesn't pretend otherwise.

    So, extremism is a problem from the left but not the right? FOX is all about the Right wing extremist. Are you troubled by that?

  11. Fox News reporting the news correctly?? hahah and why is it that Fox News has multiple legal suits as we speak against them for false reporting?  Oh yes they ARE fair and balanced hahhaa..  And O'Reily's charges of Sexual Abuse against him makes him a great news reporter?? Hmmmmmmmm  I like your logic hahahahhahahaha

    And Oberman to disagree ofcourse that makes him anti american hahahhahaha   Are you people really that naive?

    BTW where are you getting your figures that 99% of service men support McCain?  Funny how the polls taken suggest just the oposite.. Is this the Fox Fix or just an over active imagination??

  12. I don't think he is capable.  I stopped watching him because he is not objective and his anti-American undertones.  Reporters are supposed to be objective and the viewer shouldn't be able to tell what the reporter's view is.  Unfortunately - with him that is not the case.

  13. not at all!

    that is why O'Reilly stomps on his ratings!!

    BillO might be conservative but he is fair to all his guests.......but everyone except Obama has been on there...why?...i think even Palin will be on soon. Hillary was on, he even lets evolutionists come on and promote their stuff.

    Olberman is a loud mouth who turns me off even when i am just clicking past him

  14. Have you seen Glen Beck?  When on air personalities strongly represent one side or another, you just have to understand their bias. And he is not anti-American In fact, he represents better values than many broadcasters. I don't see any indication (from the real story, not the doctored version) that he agreed with Moore.

  15. Chris Matthews and the undisputed king of cable TV whackos, Comrade Olbermann have long-abandoned any pretense of objectivity, professional bearing, fairness and, with it, Journalism.

  16. He was lame when he was doing sports at ESPN. I don't know how he got this gig. He must have something on someone.

  17. Not agreeing with the Republicans does not make you Un-American. That line of thinking is so tiresome.

  18. Everybody's CAPABLE of it. It's just that people tend to get caught up in the same opinions and reject others out of hand. In the case of humans in regular daily life, it's just the way things are. In the case of people like Olbermann and others from various's about ratings and $$$. It's called 'churnalism', a term coined by a British writer meaning production line journalism. No time, no due care and consideration given to a story.    

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