
Is Liverpool, England dangerous?

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I wanna go 2 Liverpool (big Beatle fan) and i've heard that Liverpool isn't as safe as it used to be. Please bas ur answer on facts not opinion.




  1. Like any city in the world there are areas that it is wise to avoid at certain times, However Liverpool has the lowest crime rate of any big British city.

    The highest per capita crime rate by far in the UK is Westminster right in the middle of London, but that seems to have no affect on tourism.

    Liverpool has an image problem, not internationally, but within the UK. This image is formed by people who have never been to the city.

    Like anywhere take sensible precautions and your visit will be fine. Can I recommend the new Beatles themed hotel  Hard Days Night which has opened recently right on the corner of Mathew St close to the Cavern.

    You might like to visit on the last weekend in August when the Beatles convention takes place, and we have the biggest free music festival in Europe with open air stages throughout the city centre, quite a few Beatles tribute acts, and visitors from around the world who keep returning.

    Take no notice of the doom merchants, Liverpool is a safe city and I hope you enjoy your stay. (and if you do have a nice stay please tell the people who told you not to come how wrong they are)

  2. Liverpool, like most big cities in the UK, has both it's safe and dodgy places.  I live in what is considered to be a rough area and to be perfectly honest I get bothered by no more than the ocassional loud drunk waking me up shouting at the bottom of my street.  I've never been burgled, my boyfriend still has his hub caps and so far when I come home form work at night I walk safely and freely to my door.

    I've read in several books that Liverpool is actually much safer than it was in the 70s, 80s and 90s when it was considered the pariah city of the UK, which is how it got its bad reputation, which some people still can't seem to see past.  Last set of statistics Liverpool was 22 on the list of overall crime rate, much safe than nearly every other big city.

    I think like the rest of the country gun crime and anti social behaviour from teenage yobs has risen, but this is more in certain suburbs so in the city centre you'll be fine.  I work a variety of shifts in the city centre and come home at night and often have to walk by myself to the bus stop, yes, I sometimes see strange folk, but I feel perfectly safe because there are plenty of people round and plenty of places open so I know there's always somebody to help if I get in trouble.

    If you're doing Beatles things then you'll be spoilt for choice with The Beatles Story, Mathew Street, the numerous pubs they used to frequent and both John and Paul lived in beautiful suburbs, so if you visit their homes you really will see how lovely parts of Liverpool like Allerton and Woolton are.

    Have fun!:)

  3. It is absolutely safe--been there 4 times, last time in 2005.  Of course you can't go walking in the middle of the city at 3am by yourself, just like anywhere else is my guess.  Otherwise it's a great place to be.  Lots to see and do both day and nite.

  4. I am from Liverpool and i do advise you that some parts of the area ar rough bt the city centre is absolutely fine and the beatles tours/place are really good. there is a weekend called the matthew street festival at the end of august and if you are going to go, I advise you go then.

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