
Is McCain dishonorable?

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What kind of a monster leaves a wife who is crippled in a car accident because she is in his words, "Not attractive any more?"

McCain left a crippled wife for a rich Mistress.

McCain's ex. wife said that she was completely surprised by McCain's request for divorce, but because she still loves him she stayed friends with him.

Why is this so called, "moral majority" ok with this.




  1. Republicans will tell you that it is old news and all is forgiven.  I am willing to bet that if this was a Democrat, it would NOT be old news.

  2. I don't care about his personal life.

    Look at his Military record, around the time he was captured. Yes he is dishonorable he is a traitor.

  3. Because it happened a very long time ago.  Because McCain has been married to his current wife for over 20 years.  Because humans make mistakes.  Because he served honorably in our military.  Because we have a long voting record to examine.

    Because the only other choice is completely against everything we stand for.

  4. yes just read what he did to the savings and loans in the 80's

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