
Is Miley Cyrus heavy ?

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Miley Cyrus FALLING on Stage

is Miley Cyrus heavy ?




  1. not fat just dumb  

  2. probably, i mean those guys were like, straining. jk

  3. what kind f a stupid *** question is that??? anyway i dunno how much she weights but she is'nt fat o anything she's just an idiot

  4. Maybe the weight of her own idiocy was to much for them to handle. Funny, though, I always thought someone as vapid and empty as her would be light...

    But oh my God, what a brat. "Mommyyy!"

  5. She isn't heavy, per say, she just has a large layer (weighing close to three tons) of fat surrounding her small frame

  6. haha, maybe it was accidental

  7. Almost everyone in the "entertainment" business is way too thin. She's not heavy, she's just not talented.

  8. Oh,give me a break.If she was any skinnier,she'd blow away.Her dancer tripped.

  9. She is prefect for her size and her age.

  10. noooooo shes a stick

    okk, honestly.. you people need to stop trying to be different by "hating" the jonas brothers. they have talent and they are unbelievable role models. being jealous of 3 innocent, 2 good looking guys is no reason to hate them... you DONT hate're trying to be different from the fans who love and support them. stop trying to be different and just live life and admit that you enjoy them. its ok to dislike their music but that gives you no real reason to "hate" them.. opinions do not define facts. and if you hate them because you think they are unattractive or ugly, that gives you NO reason to hate the person inside. you dont even know them personally. SO, in conclusion not every girl is a jonas brothers fan, but i'm not a FAN of miley cyrus and her work, but i do not hate her. please people, be mature. maturity is a way of life. plus we know that kevin is not attractive, but we don't hate him..he has talenttttttttt and is an amazing role model for teenage guys to be more like them because if you want to get girlss, act like the jonas hard for your dreams! be successful!:))))))

  11. The people holding her just aren't strong enough.  If she got skinnier, then she'd have problems.

  12. miley cyrus is skinner than barbie.

    seriously, shes tiny.

  13. Her face is fat just like hillary duffs used to be : p and her fat head must have thrown them off balance, I feel sorry for those guys they have to touch her stinky ***!! : p

  14. She supposedly had a trainer of some sort to make her loose wait, I don't it would look right to lose anymore 0_0
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