
Is Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadyani,God??

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"I saw in one of my vision that I myself am God and believed that I am Him." (Kitab-ul-Bariayh, Roohani Khazain vol. 3 p.103)

"Quran is God's book and the talk of my mouth." (Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi, Roohani Khazain vol. 22 p.87)

Can someone explain it to me???




  1. u have the interpetation of the writing

  2. Oh gosh! Did the Qadyani prophet have such satanic dreams?

    What was the real purpose or moral lesson behind them?

  3. la hawla wala kuwata illa billah

    May he burn in h**l for eternity for saying this.

  4. When you people murdered Hazrat Usman, Hazrat Ali, and the grandchildren of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) (may Allah be pleased with them all) how are you going to say good things about the Promised Messiah? It does not make logical sense. Those who disbelieve will always disbelieve. Simple as that.

  5. Sorry to dissapoint you brother but someone already copy/pasted this from an anti ahmadi website in an out of context format.

    I already answered it and the Asker (Waqas) gave me the best answer award for it as well.  If you take the time to read the answer, you will see that what Hazrat Ahmad (as) said is very Islamic indeed.  Just read my answer.

    Please see below and may Allah guide you insha'allah.  Allah bless you brother.;...

    love for all, hatred for none

  6. i don't think there's any explanation for statements like that.

  7. he also claimed that he was Maryam for 10 months and remained pregnant for 10 month and later deliver Isa AS who is himself. So, funny.

  8. AUTHOR: Imaam Muhammad Naasir-ud-Deen Al-Albaanee

    SOURCE: Al-‘Aqeedah At-Tahaawiyyah – Sharh wa Ta’leeq (pg. 39-40)


    The Prophet (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) informed his ummah in many ahaadeeth, advising and cautioning them, that there would be many imposters (Dajjaaleen) after him. In some narrations, he (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “Everyone will claim to be a prophet, whereas I am the seal of the prophets – there being no prophet after me.” [Reported by Muslim and others; See al-Ahaadeeth as-Saheehah: no. 1683]

    Amongst these imposters was Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Al-Qadiyani who claimed prophethood for himself. He has followers spread throughout India, Germany, England and America. And they have masaajid which they use to misguide the Muslims. There were some individuals amongst them in Syria as well, but Allaah uprooted them and eradicated them.

    They have many vile beliefs apart from their belief that prophethood continued after Muhammad (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam). The one who preceded them in this belief is Ibn ‘Arabee, the Sufi. They have authored a treatise on this subject in which they have collected statements from him that serve as support for this afore-mentioned belief of theirs. And the mashaayikh were not able to refute it because it was from that which Ibn ‘Arabee said (!!) even though they asserted with certainty that they were disbelievers. There is no room to mention their beliefs here.

    No doubt they are the ones whom the Messenger of Allaah intended when he (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said in the hadeeth that has been authentically reported from him: “There will be lying impostors during the Last Days that will bring you narrations, which neither you nor your forefathers heard of. So beware and let them beware, lest they misguide you and bring calamity upon you.” [Reported by the author (i.e. At-Tahaawee) in Mushkil-ul-Athaar (4/104). It is also found in Saheeh Muslim (1/9)]

    From their most distinguishing signs is that when they begin speaking about their Call (i.e. beliefs), before everything, they start out with affirming the death of ‘Eesaa (Jesus). When they are able to accomplish this – according to their perception – they proceed onto the next level, which involves mentioning the ahaadeeth that talk about the descent of ‘Eesaa, and make it clear that that they believe in these narrations. However, they then quickly move on to distorting their meanings by claiming that what is meant by them is the descent of someone similar to ‘Eesaa (Jesus), since they have already established and confirmed – according to their views – that ‘Eesaa (Jesus) died. So they claim that this person was Ghulam Ahmad Al-Qadiyani!

    They have many, many other examples of distorting texts similar to this, which leads us to believe that they are a group from amongst the heretical Baatinees. We will point out some of their deviant beliefs soon by the Will of Allaah.

    From the misguided beliefs of the Qadiyanis is that they reject the Jinn as being a creation apart from mankind. So they distort the apparent meaning of all the ayaat and ahaadeeth that clearly prove their existence and their distinction from mankind amongst creation, instead claiming that these texts refer to humans themselves or a specific group from amongst mankind. This is even the case with Iblees (i.e. the Devil) himself as they allege that he was a human being that was evil! So how misguided they are!!

    Published: January 31, 2006

  9. Promised Messieh had himself explained both the dream and the revelation. If you can get this objection you should search for its explanation too. I can help if you cant find it:

    @FLower Power

    They dont need a Psychiatrist. They need to beleive in a  Prophet to save themselves. May Allah have mercy on them. Only Allah can change hearts.

    @Abu Harith

    Instead of posting articles, go through the explanation I provided and let me know your objections on it. Fear Allah do not be the one who misguide others.

  10. No hes not.......He's a liar, Kaafir!  

  11. Once I put what your qoutes into googld I get only one response, and that too an anti-ahmadi website. It's logical to assume you've never read any of part of the book.

    Kitab ul Bariayh is volume 13

    Let me read the pages then I'll get back to you as well

    Ok I read the second one and the quote is taken out of other releveant lines. First one needs to udnerstand that Prophets will never say anything against God, or agaisnt Quran. What they speek is perfectly in line with God's will. With that said I'll give a very rough translation:

    "And everything in respect to you I will give you. The God of the armies will give effort to this. The proof of this is that the Holy Quran is God's book and the words of the mouth"

    Then it goes on to state that God has stated that Hadhrat Isa (as) is dead, and a promise to keep those who follow him (or rather his true teachings) better than those are away from him.

    I checked Kitaab-ul Bariah (vol 13) not there.

    Also checked out Izala Auham and it doesn't seem to be there. I might have missed it but if your reference is wrong please do post the right one.

    Sir Abu Haarith please do check out the beleif Sir Syed Ahmad had about the Jinn's as well. Oh and there also communuties in the Arab World along with the rest of the world.

  12. "VISION"

    does it ring bells.

    Vision, dream, .... are you aware of any of such terms.

    If not, go see a psychiatrist.

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