
Is My Music My Right? ?

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I am seventeen and a Christian girl (or at least I try to be - sometimes I find it hard to believe at times but this isn't what my question is about). I love all types of music from Carrie Underwood to Metallica. Music to me is an escape and when I find a song that describes hardship or sadness or even happiness and rejoicing it gives me hope to know someone went through what I did - or worse - and managed to live and get through it all. Music is my life.

Lately I've taken to liking the "Antichrist Superstar" himself - Marilyn Manson. I don't know how I got started on him but his music has such a feel to it that I just love. I especially love "This is the new S**t" and "This is Halloween." I don't know how to describe my liking for it but I do. Well my dad and I share an itunes account and he sees all the songs I download. He HATES Marilyn Manson and thinks he is a devil-worshiper and that his little girl has no business listening to music by a satanic as he calls him.

I don't know what to do. I want to have freedom over my music but my dad won't let me. Also, I don't know if Marilyn is a satan-worshipper or not and personally I don't care. The fact of the matter is he is a downright freak and not afraid to show it. His music expresses a sound - an individuality - that I have never heard in other singers.

Do you think it's wrong for me to like his music?

Do you think it goes against my Christian religion to listen to his music?

What would you do if I were your daughter and you were my father in this situation?

If you can offer any advice/answers, I'd much appriciate it.




  1. I am 23 and a Christian. I TOTALLY adored Manson, Tool, NIN, etc when I was in high school and noticed that music fed into my soul-good or bad. I can promise you that my life has a definite pattern; when I start allowing that sort of music in, basically, "darkness" enters into me emotionally-if that makes sense. The music spoke to me. It was something that really did make sense and made me feel connected to SOMETHING. And being that I always felt very different, it was nice to have that. But you know, I had to decide for myself that the depression that came with it just wasn't worth it.

    That is the time in my life I was severely bulimic, I burned and cut myself, and overall was SEVERELY depressed and was suicidal sometimes. I know some may "thumbs down" my answer because music really is a touchy subject, but I know from my own life's experience, it really was a powerful force in a very negative way.

    It's hard though, because again, it's something we get connected to. It's almost better than having a close friend. It's like it flows in our veins and is a part of us, but sometimes things that are a part of us can be our worst nightmare/enemy. That's just from my life, take it for what it's worth...

    I know your dad may seem way overly religious sounding, and maybe his wording is a little hyper zealouted, but I know ultimately he cares about you. All decent parents do (I have three children and know that because of my own life, I would be concerned for them if they got interested in that sort of music). Respect he may know from his own life the power and influence of music. He wants what's best for you...

  2. hmmm.... try not to listen to it. he isn't that great, maybe read lyrics but don't listen to the actual music. idk. i'm so confused myself because i have a 13 year old and i wouldn't want him to listen to this c**p. stick with the good stuff, the home made music god wants you to listen to.  

  3. Honor your father.  That's a Christian notion by-the-way.

    It's not the tunes that your Dad objects to it's the lyrics.  A hypothetical question might be, is this music that your Pastor might listen to?

    Despite how mature you think you are..and I don't intend for this to be a slam on you...your foundation is still being built.  Your Father is trying to help do that.  Marilyn Manson does not have your best interests in mind...your Dad does.

    Honor Him.

    Excellent question though.

  4. Was your father born in the 50s? Cause back then, Elvis was the antichrist. After him came the Beattles. They all seem pretty mellow to us, nowadays. Probably that Marilyn Manson's gonna look like a real joke to our kids... Remind your dad, if he is a fan of the Beattles, Elvis, or of any other artist that has been looked down on as being edgy that it's not about God at all --it's just about good music.

    By the way, Marilyn Manson is not a devil-worshiper at all. He is atheist, which means he doesn't believe in religion. He is against religion (probably because of opressions such as yours)... He was raised torned between two religions (one being catholicism) and in a very strict environment, which brought him to be the rebellious man we all know...

    He is a freak, yeah, and it's showbuisness. Madonna, Britney Spears and others all play dress up too.

  5. it's not like you your self is becoming a devil worshiper, there is a major difference between listening to someones "inappropriate" music and actually doing things described. I dont think it is wrong for someone to listen to any type of music, if it's what you injoy you should be happy about it. it is just your own personal taste and if your dad wont let you listen to his music, then its just going to make you want to listen to it more. we are all different and he shuld be able to respect that, and if he doesn't he's pretty hippicritical himself and needs to learn that music is freedom and helps people express themselves.

    hope the advise and comments help, and hope you get to listen to manson :)

    rock on!

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