
Is Obama the under dog now?

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Is he going to go down in the polls and if so what does that mean?




  1. No, obama is the loser now.  

  2. He always was.

  3. First, he is not going down in the polls.

    Second, polls mean absolutely nothing unless you poll each and every person in the country and then, why bother with elections?

  4. McSame sealed his fate tonight, America can only take so much stupidity.  Now he is the change candidate?  Give me a break.

  5. i hope not personally. mccain picking a women was stupid. (i'm a feminist) and i'm saying he should look and  EVERYONE, for that matter should look beyond the gender this women isn't right. she's sarcastic and cocky. the majority of people in america are women...who do you think they will vote for? hopefully not for there own personal satisfaction but for the benefit of our i said i hope they look past the gender.

    i rather have clinton or nancy pelosi take office than sara palin!

    ohh its pretty close tie now

  6. we'll see

  7. Under the Under-Dawg even

  8. How can you say that when he has the media in his pocket....McCain's the underdog that actually has a record of getting things done even if his party dislikes him for it.  

  9. No way.  In fact,the McCain/Palin ticket only points out the strengths of the Obama/Biden ticket.  Let's face it: never before in electoral history has the role of the VP been more critical to the future of our country.  McCain is 72, Obama is black.  The real decision here is: who should be the VP; who is equipped to be the VP from Day 1.  No question: Biden.

  10. Not in my book- Esp after McCain's speech

  11. Not by a long shot. If anything Palin will help him as she did when his campaign took in a record 10 mil the day after her speech.

  12. it is 2 early to say. so much can happen in the next 2 months.

    some secret of the life of the canidate might come out

    they may say or do something stupid

    or the election can be rigged again

  13. Obaminator isn't going anywhere except to the White House.   Keep trying.

  14. No, he is above 50%. Now a convention usually bumps a person up but they are not predicting more than 2% & he is at $ the electoral votes which are important Obama is way up above McCain. There are different things that are important & Obama is winning by far already. This speech didn't bring in anyone but I have seen it make people decide on Obama.

  15. Nope he's 8 points up and after Palin's pathetic speech he got ten million in campaign contributions

  16. he's always been a dog in my book. i think he will decisively lose the election. He is a weak candidate that ran on a wave of enthusiasm that has exposed the sand beneath his feet.  

  17. No not by a long shot.  He just has to really get his message out there side by side for comparison next to the other party and when these debates begin I think the people will be able to weigh it all and make the right decision.

    You can put on an Oscar performance and speech and be coached on humility and all but you won't fool people with that.

  18. No, the time is now and polls mean nothing.

    Go Obama!

  19. Not at all, history is unfolding. His wisdom, judgment, cool personality , thorough on the spot answers and impeccable leadership skills will make him prevail. Americans' love for him gets stronger each day! As the French will say, C'est Extra-Ordinaire!

  20. Obama is getting an even wider lead now that everyone knows Mcsame has nothing to offer  ... I heard this last night   Obama 50 %..Go Obama Go Where is it written that Mccain is leading ? Or did you hear another lie at the RNC last night! Ohhh so funny    McCain is a desperate man  

  21. The news cycle is such that what Obama said last week and what McCain and his VP said this week have afffected and energized people. If you did a national poll last week after the Dem speeches more Americans would probably be pro-Obama. Do it tonight, after the republican speeches, and a majority might be leaning in their favor. It's all about emotions of the time. But it  will all pan out in the end. Emotions will hopefully subside and people will make an intelligent choice.  

  22. MMmmmm.....they are almost neck and neck in the polls right now.  Kinda too close to call.  It seems as if the tide is turning, my friend.

  23. Obama is still ahead by 8 points....he has not been the underdog once this campaign. So....the answer is no.

  24. I don't think he will go down in the polls at all. I think the attacks that were made at the RNC is out of desperation.

  25. You will have no doubt as to that after all the religious reich republican voters buy their National Equirer tonight.

  26. Wasn't he always?  The polls did nothing but make more republicans and independants get off their *** and register to vote.  It was pretty much a wake-up call for every anti Obama person out there.  

  27. He was already ahead, and after tonight, no worries on my part!

    Obama/Biden 08'!

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