
Is Personal benifit greater than Humanity?????

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These days i see that people do not help each other.They always look for some personal gain in treturn to their help.Will it help our society in growing?Is personal benifit is lastly the important thing left in us and not the humanity?




  1. even humanity is build up by billions of individuals. there is no such thing as humanity. it is just a word. there are billions of alive beings, summed up in this concept. when you fulfill your needs, you fulfill the needs of one part of "humanity".

  2. When I try to help others it is not always recognized as help. That shouldn't stop me from helping as much as I can. The reasons for trying to help should be clear though. I should not help those that do not want help, nor should I help those that want help because they are too lazy to do it themself. I should not help for the fame, glory or financial gain of helping.

    Our society is growing on its own and not always in a good way.  We move faster, we take less time to be considerate of others because we have so much to do. Sometimes we do the right thing for the wrong reasons, and sometimes we do nothing at all.  I think you are right, and we are losing our humanity as we go along.

  3. I find that when I help others, my kindness is taken advantage of.

    So I don't help others as much as I used to. For me, it has nothing to do with personal gain. But no one likes to be walked all over.

    It probably would help our society quite a bit.

    But enough people wouldn't do it to make a difference.

  4. I would advice you," Stop watching daily soaps", b'coz its the only place where one thinks for its own benfis. If you just think of yourself you would be the only one standing alone a side away from everyone.

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