
Is Poetry sometimes forced ?

by Guest58108  |  earlier

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Is Poetry sometimes forced ?




  1. definitely. if you are under a deadline or are trying to push an idea further than it should go. also maybe if you are tying out a rhyme scheme that doesnt really fit the feel. trying to find a rhyme for a word or trying to fit into the rhythm is a common. i often write songs and poems and when i look back, some are really bad because i try to force them into a rhyme scheme.

  2. yes, i'd know. i have been told that i have forced the rhyming at times.

  3. Is is forced

    Or is it pushed?

    Does it flow

    Or just not go?

    The answer's here

    For you to see

    It CAN be forced,

    But usually not very successfully.  ;-)

  4. Of course. It can happen any time, most cases being inspiration without feeling, or feeling without inspiration, though it is occasionaly a simple lack of talent.

  5. Oh you bet it is!!!

    Sometimes I've had an idea shuffling around, wanted to write the poem...but...putting something on paper does NOT necessarily make a true poem.

    What I got was a bunch of words....days later I reread what I'd written...THEN wrote a poem....

    Good Morning!

  6. yes, and it shows.

    i write, so i sort of know

    sometimes it flows

    and sometimes it stops

    sometimes its good

    but most times it flops

    but they dont do poetry

    on top of the pops!

    i have a knack, which why i write songs for the band... and sometimes it works straight out of the box as it were, others times its cobbled together, and edited to death.

  7. On this site...OFTEN!

  8. I would think some of them are, as a person who likes writing poetry, I just wait for an idea and then just write, I try NOT to think too hard about it, that way it comes across as fluid instead of forced. those that write for a living mus try and force inspiration, but they have all the time in the world to find it. so......

  9. Yes. If you are writing a sonnet you have to do syllable counts, check the rhymes, etc. The same for all structured poems.

  10. Yes, Mrs Farnsworth carried a gun. She was the great motivator of Intro to English Comp.

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