
Is Proactive really the best?

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Are there any other solutions?




  1. i suggest you use a face wash with benzoly peroxide (at least 5% and no more than 10%). apply it to your face about 3-5 minutes after getting in a steamy shower. the steam will open your pores allowing the face wash to penetrate and more effectively do its job. also, make sure you are drinking plenty of water and green tea, girl! and lay off the caffine because your body processes caffine the same way it processes stress which makes you break out. if you have red spots, ice them to reduce redness and inflamation, then follow with a cortizone lotion (this has a steriod that calms and soothes redness) good luck and i hope this helps!

    i also use the acne free severe regime. it works wonders.  

  2. I've used it and I didn't really like it.  My face cleared a little, but definitely not what I expected.  It's pretty pricey too.  Basically, based on my experience, Proactiv is all hype and no results.  

    After using Proactiv, I did a little research online and came upon a website that offered an acne regimen that promised results.  I am currently on the regimen and it has really cleared up my acne.  I use Cetaphil to cleanse, then slather on some Neutrogena On the Spot, and finally moisturize with Aveeno's Clear Complexion Moisturizer.  You should definitely try going to and see if it's right for you.  They have product reviews from members to guide you which ones you might want to try and describe how to use the regimen.  Hope this helps.  Good luck!

  3. trust me, it does NOT work. I used for a long time and it kept on making my skin go from clear to acne-infested.

    I use AcneWash, it's like the Neutreguona wash thing. You know, the orange face thing. It's great! And my Victoria Jackson "No Makeup" Makeup kit helps if I have a breakout.

  4. It really just depends on the person. Some people respond to it, and others, like myself, don't at all. It did nothing for me. It actually broke me out worse. I think it's all trial and error to find what works for you, because what works for everyone else may not be right for your skin.  I would suggest checking out too. There's a community message board on there that has a lot of great tips for dealing with your breakouts, and the regimen is pretty helpful for most people, and much cheaper than proactiv.

  5. there is no SOLUTION to acne. everyone, i believe, is different. i used proactiv for a year, then my face started freaking out and breaking out WORSE than when i started! now i use a 10% benzoyl peroxide wash and clindamycin gel on my face, thanks to a dermatologist's face. all i can really say is, it's trial and error lol.

  6. Hi!

    Well, my sister used it and it really worked for her!

    She had really redness in her face and it really helped her. But you always have to order after 1 year, you can't stop, that's the problem!  My sister stopped ordering it after a year and it reapeared!

    Hope I helped.:)

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