
Is Sarah Palin a bad?

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mother for not teaching her daughter how to use birth control?




  1. IT...IS...NONE... OF...OUR...BUSINESS!!

  2. You can see why she supports the second amendment: For shotgun weddings!

  3. yes we dont need demon seeds running around the white house

  4. Gov. Palin does not believe in birth control. She has been promoting abstinence only education which guarantees her kids know neither the mechanics nor the consequences of sexual experimentation.

  5. The bottom line that as a parent you cannot control your children and force them to do everything you want them to do. But what you can do is teach them the right things to do, and pray that they follow your instruction.

    When they don't, you still love them and this is when the real lesson is learned. How did you react to their struggle? If you really have strong principles of family values, you love them unconditionally, but show them how they must follow-through by doing the RIGHT THING.

    Sarah Palin is practicing what she preaches.

  6. The answer is obvious.  I would never send my child over to her house for a playdate with her childrne.  Obviously there is a serious lack of communcation in that household.

  7. I love how the party that supposedly stands for "traditional family morals" sees no problem with this issue.  They certainly had a problem with Clinton's adultery.  Why is this not a reflection on Palin's competance as a parent/politician but Clinton's escapades were?

  8. No...she is a mother like many others in our country who are dealing with a teen-pregnancy in their family.  I would think that puts her in touch with this aspect of life in America.

    You can teach your children right from wrong.  What they choose to do when a situation presents itself, is up to the individual.  You cant make anyone do anything. She can not make her daughter choose not to engage in intimate behavior with someone, just like any one of us can make you choose one action over another.  

  9. Grandma Palin did not supply her daughter with the info she obviously needed. Abstinance DOES NOT WORK!
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