
Is Sarah Palin a s**y woman?

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Is Sarah Palin a s**y woman?




  1. Yes, she a great combo of s**y and intelligent.

  2. And this matters...why?

  3. and that is her qualifications for POTUS. She gained name recognition as a beauty contestant. she used that to be elected mayor of her little small town, then governor of her little state. Looking good in a bathing suit does not qualify one to be POTUS.

  4. Nope. She's rather ugly.

  5. NO

  6. Very attractive

  7. I guess it's in the eye of the beholder, but she's a friggin hot looking lady. Downright pretty.

    But if you're one of those morons who cant think someone is s**y cause you've got your militant, partisan head up your fervant, partisan ***... and think that everyone is required to have the same beliefs and morals as you do to be a s**y person... then I guess you'd say no.

    Imperically, she is a beautiful looking woman.

  8. She's no Angelina Jolie. I'm not g*y and don't check out other women. Is that the reason McCain pick her because some men might think she's eye candy? Sarah a s*x object for the GOP. She was chosen to attract Hillary's bitter supporters and the women vote only.  She has no experience in foreign policy and defense matters. (=

  9. Very nice. High five.

  10. she looks like a mother ****** to me

  11. To old men like John McCain

  12. Yes... until she opens her mouth.  Lies are very ugly things.

  13. I smart, strong, s**y woman, who can chew Obama up and spit him out!!!!!!

  14. I think she is very pretty, she's got a s**y librarian look

  15. She's a fox


  16. I think she is attractive.

  17. Yes

  18. She is more woman than Obama will ever see and more man than he will ever be.

  19. Why? She is a happily married woman. I thought we are suppose to vote on issues and policies not if a woman or man is s**y!! She OK looking for being in her 40s and I'm not g*y. :p

  20. Yep that's all she is- a former beauty queen who lives in a trailor park and gives birth to all rep senators kids.

  21. at 44, h**l yeah strangely....GO OBAMA!!

  22. Sure, nothing like a rich, hot older woman who takes care of her children, and has some morals.  Now if she would just become a Socialist, and drop all this corporate l*****g we wouldn't have a problem.  I'd love to see a female vice president.  Esp a hot one.    

  23. I DON'T BELIEVE SHE IS NEARLY  as s**y as me!

  24. no, b/c her rabid conservatism makes her ugly

  25. She is a very s**y woman.   I think she would do a good job as vp, but it doesn't hurt that she is a babe also.  

  26. Sexist question what does it have to do with he politics. I guess it's okay for republican men to be sexist though.

  27. Yes and her daughter looks great also.  

  28. yes  


  30. Does it matter? She is running for VP not miss america

  31. Yea i would do her! She is probably a freak in the bedroom and i know she won some beauty pageants in the past. I would much rather have s*x with her than Hillary!

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