
Is Satan In My TV?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, now this is going to sound weird, but I've had issues before in other places I've lived where a microwave or vacuum would turn on...but all the sudden our tv is turning it's self on, and turning the volume up. It's never done this before...why is it doing it now? It's pretty new as well. Any ideas on what could have happened? Is there a way to make it stop?




  1. Do you have any really close neighbors that could have the same kind of television or remote interference. that might be easier to believe.

  2. i would stay in a hotel cuz when that happens in the movies somebody gets killed.

  3. The other night, my TV started changing channels on it's own.  The batteries in the remote were weak and the remote was sending out random commands.  I changed the batteries and all was fine.

  4. you arent the only one.

    and yes its mostly satan.

    iv heard many real life stories of satan being in the tv.

    he always is just doesnt always show him self.

    you should:

    get a pastor to pray over your home. or

    get rid of the tv.

    trust me,,if the pastor prays over your home it will get better

  5. creepy... it sounds really stupid but is it possible that someone (either family member or pet) accidentally sat on the remote? otherwise theres probably a fault either in your tv or your remote (maybe move your remote to another room and see if it still does it, if it does its the tv and if it doesnt its the remote). Bring it back to wherever you bought it and tell them about it.

  6. "Is there a way to make it stop?"  

    Maybe if you ask the prince of darkness really nicely.
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