
Is Swiffer worth buying?

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I mean the vac mop thing or even just the mop. I have pets and so even when I sweep it doesn't pick up all the fur on my kitchen floor. Does Swiffer help pick stuff up or is it a rip off?




  1. I've found the sweeping cloths are good to pick up hair and very small things that the broom misses. I could never just sweep with only the Swiffer. We have many pets, two kids, etc.

    The wet mop cloths...forget it. With our dogs and  again 2 kids, it takes about 4 to actually get the kitchen floor clean and it's a very small room.

    I do use the Swiffer wand itself to mop. I just put an old dish rag on it and use Lysol or what-not and water to clean the floor, then a dry dishcloth to dry. This works better and a lot faster anyway.

    We tried the WetJet too thinking it would be better. Used it once--- worthless. The pad gunked up way before the floor was clean, then just spread a filmy streaky ick all over. The sprayer would spray but a tiny spot of cleaning fluid and it kinda of just dribbled out. It didn't spray out to cover large areas like the commercial shows. It would cost a fortune in pads and bottles of cleaner for it to get my floor clean...and take forever.  

    Have not tried the mop vac and doubt I would.

    Swiffer seems like it would be fast, easy and just perfect for a kid free, pet free home, but not ours. I like the wand but use nothing else from that line.

  2. it is awesome at picking up pet hair and human hair and dust and dirt it is no rip off i have one and i have all hardwood floors and i would not use anything works wonders you should invest in one i have the regular mop were you can use the dry cloths or the wet ones the dry cloths is for the animal hair and dirt and dust.the wet cloths is to wash the floors.i don't use them much i have a different mop for the floor because i use murphys oil soap but it is something like the swifer sweeper you just can wash the cloth in the washing machine over and over again.

  3. The dry Swiffer's for dust, dirty and hair are awsome. I have 2 cats that come in the house to eat, plus I'm going in and  out all the time, tracking in dirt. And they work pretty good. Especially in the spaces that I can not get the broom to fit.

    The wet one's are not all that great. I had one and it left a residue on the floors.  

  4. I love the wet and dry cloths.  I use both, the dry works great for picking up hair and the dusty stuff a broom just can't get.  The wet ones are very good, I especially like them for the bathroom because you can jus throw the whole thing away.  The wet jet is good, but the spraying mechanism in our gave out after a few months.  We have a fairly small kitchen and I use the wet clothes to quick-mop a couple of times a week.

  5. I would not waste my time. Its nothing more than a wipe attached to the end of a stick. Depending on its use, you have to change the wipe 3-4 times during one sweeping/mopping. It does clean the floors, but for me it was too much of a hassle to be changing the wipes and then buying another box for like 13 dollars and it only bought 25 wipes.  

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