
Is Taco Bell racist?

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My brother told me they were racist & they treat their Mexican employees badly. He also told me that they were sued because of this.




  1. OK every fast food restaurant has been sued for one thing or another? I just saw on the news yesterday a guy at a Smoothie juice place had wrote the word d**e on the receipt  instead of her name. And she was insulted

  2. Yes they are.

  3. I'm sorry, but that's one of the most stupidest rumors I have ever heard!

  4. that is a crazy rumor i never even see mexican emoployees when i go to taco bell i see all the mexican at mcdonolds believe it or not!

  5. its not taco bell its  a few dumb employees.

  6. No, there might be individual places that do that, but on a whole I doubt that they would be.


  7. Yeah,and Olive Garden treats their Italian employees bad.

  8. It's probably not just Taco Bell.  Must have been an isolated incident.

  9. Yes, the law covers all.

  10. I do not care where you live you will still find people who are and I think it is rather dumb.
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