
Is There A Double Standard??

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Just read this question:;_ylt=AuThaGF.MLhK1lxJ1n6upzjS7BR.;_ylv=3?qid=20080831154557AA4oSNp

And some of the answers are "this is a attack on here good name". But most called Obama a muslim, terrorist, family in Kenya with terrorist ties..ect.

So because Sarah Palin is a Republican its a no no, but if its Obama its all fair to question his family and background??

Double standard??




  1. I haven't heard of any radical America Haters in her background.

  2. Maybe you have not been looking very close every 5 seconds i see some jacj *** calling bush or mccain a war criminal, a few months ago the media was in afit over bush's daughters but that must not count for goin after someones families right. And clinton has attacked Obama alot more than McCain has but never mind silly facts like that if tey dont fall into your agenda.  

  3. Michelle was attacked because she siad anti-American things. Obama's past has been attacked because they were radical and anti-American and racist. His family was attacked becuase they said that they wouldn't put their children in the public eye yet their daughters are at every event. The attacks on Palin are without any substance and whereever they started, they obviously didn't do too much research. This is a blatant attack on an innocent child with a disease.  

  4. yes, but it's also typical republican strategy to attack attack attack, lie, belittle, demean, throw any outlandish charge against obama and hope something sticks. Americans are tired of the right--tired enough to say "no more bush. no more mcsame".

  5. Absolutely

    Obama is fair game.

    And should be.

  6. Woah..NO one attacked their children..and when someone did go a little too far they were called out.

    I think the worst I saw was someone saying the little girls teeth were crooked and I denounced that just a harshly.

    If someone suggested Biden's children had issues I'd be all up in their face.

    Is there a double standard ...yes....Dem's think its okay to attack everyone and anyone.....even if its a LIE!  

  7. The obamabots are running terrified. They have been making wild accusations. It just shows how threatened they are by their imminent defeat in November.

  8. As an Independent I feel comfortable in saying there is a huge difference going on between the Republican and Democrat negativity meters this year.

    Most of the time the campaigns supporter's come out and start all the trash throwing, which then just keeps on going by the press etc.

    Usually, candidates themselves don't go on character assassinations but this year I can't say that is exactly true.

    The comparison for me in wondering which side is doing more of this negativity from deeper within, is this joke made by Senator McCain himself at a Republican event, towards Chelsea Clinton when she was a teen. It speaks to several issues, but if this was okay for him, and he thought it was humorous at the time, then anything goes in this years campaign I suppose.

    I would say look to the source of where all the garbage comes from on both sides, research and try to seek the truth to the statements....

    As for Mrs. Palin, she surely must know that she is going to be scrutinized if not by the press, by individuals doing research.  Since all these rumors have started about her pregnancy and her daughter, all family photo's have been taken down off the states website I'm sure to protect the children, which are not 'game' for attack in my opinion.

    Until there is proof to something, it's all rumor and speculation.

    I have not heard anyone from the Obama campaign say a word about this, nor a negative word towards the children of Sentaor McCain, or against spouses. If anything I have to say Senator Obama's campaign has taken the high road on the negativity this year in that regard and Senator McCain had given his word and pledge that he was going to run a gentlemanly, non negative campaign.

    I guess his word is of the same caliber of his jokes....


  9. Of course there is a double standard.  The Republicans feel they can continue to say completely untrue things about Obama but the second the Democrats try to say unflattering things that are true the GOP gets all bent out of shape!  

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