
Is Track and Field hard?

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My first year of high school and I want to try out for track.

I never really did a sport but people say I'm a fast runner.

Should I go for it?

And if I should what should I do to prepare for it?




  1. depends on what you do, the cool thing about it is that theres plenty of events so you can choose what ones fit your scheme well. but most dont like the distance runs, its pretty much overkill considering that your run 8 laps around and around, and this is coming from a distance runner. my favorite was the mile and 800 meter.

  2. I never did a sport before my first year of high school either and I tried track for the first time. It was wicked hard the first time, but it got better and I got most improved. Thing is, I don't think i will be doing it again, i think its sort of a love and hate thing. its really boring for me and it takes up a lot of time after school. time i need for other things so do it and if you dont like it, you can always leave. no pressure

  3. First decide what races you are going to do, as the 100 and the 200 are not that different, but the 800 and the mile are a different caliber of training.

    Let the coach decide what you are best at and the training will commence from that point

  4. Question One: Yes, it is hard and painful.

    Question Two: Yes, you should give it a shot

    Question Three:

    Do the following every day:

    Run 20 minutes non stop, even if it kills you

    Run up hill sprints

    Strength moves

    RUN is my best answer, really. Just keep running. Run a total of about 40 minutes every day, even when you can hardly stand. You'll be sore. But you'll improve very quickly. That's a promise.

    Best of luck.

  5. Start coming up with excuses to get out of track practice NOW. have them ready cause youll HATE Practice.

    Heres some recommened excuses:

    1)Coach, i think i pulled something in my leg(point to groin)

    2) Ah coach! I got cramps, cant go no more!

    3) Coach my stomach hurt, i gotta take a doodoo(stay in bathroom till after practice and dont go back, he might make you run)

    4) Coach, i think i twisted my ankle, lemme go easy today.


    All these excuses are legit and may or may not prevent coach from sending you to the trainer

  6. yea u should start training so when track season come ur already in shape

    the practices are hard but the meets are fun

  7. well its kinda late most runners start young but youll no if your made for it or not. the first thing they tell us in our track and field class is that your either made for track or not.

  8. Well it really just depends on what event that you want to do.  If your a fast runner than you can go for the short distant racers or the longer races like the mile or 2 mile.  You can run everyday (couple miles)  and time yourself for distance. Running a couple of miles everyday or so would be the best thing and you can also run more than that too.  

  9. only if your white

  10. In my skool and everywhere else, everyone makes track, its a large group so ull fit in, i did it before soccer season to get fit!

  11. There is nothing more exciting then your first year of track. I am about to be a senior in high-school. I have been running track since the 5th or 6th grade. To be frank, everybody can run but everybody can't run track. You should try it out just because it is your freshman year and if you like it...STICK TO IT. College coaches tend to recruit athletes that have competed in the same sport for all of there high-school year. Track is fast-paced and super fun but that all depends on the event you choose to run. You can either run the 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1600m, or the 3200m. Because it's your freshman year for track jump around in each event to see what you feel comfortable running because you can be one of two things a sprinter or a long distance runner. You can be both but it is hard on the body. You can pick more than one event also like for an example I run the 100m, 200m, and the 400m. The only thing you can do to prepare for track is to run. In the off-season for track you should do long-distance running to build stamina and endurance. You should also try XC[[Cross Country]] if it isn't to late. XC season ends before track starts so you should look into that. Also a little weight training wouldn't hurt either because you need to build muscles. All the rest of the stuff the coach will teach you when track start such as form, stride, and your explosion.

    If you have any other questions about track, feel free to send me an e-mail:::  

  12. yes you dont loose anything with trying and remember onething track and field is more than just been fast you better be ready 2 work hard...

  13. you dont know unless you try so id go for it

    check to see if your school has a track and field meeting some time in the next couple of month

    now, you can just jog around leisurly to get some stamina in you and get your legs used to the pounding

    my freshman year, i didnt do cross country but in my PE class i got the running bug and did track that year; now im a senior and still going strong

    ive improved so much and am so happy i went out for the track team that year!

  14. practice and it becomes easy

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