
Is US Airways really that bad?

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Ok. I usually fly with Delta, but this time US Airways was cheaper. I've heard some pretty bad things about US. It's my usual route from Sacramento to Washington, DC but I just hope my bags don't get lost or they cancel the flight. Any experiences?




  1. It's not that bad. It's not that good, either. My flight going back home was always delayed when flying US Airways. Delta and US Airways were both similar to me. US Airways provide nicer jets to nicer places like NYC, Philadelphia, and Las Vegas. But they provide crummy jets to crummy less popular cities.

  2. us airways has had its share of bad incidents. so bad that it is not even the original name of the airline. it had such a bad reputation under allegheny airlines that it was changed. so bad that some passengers referred to it as "agony airlines". despite its efforts to change that image, there were still problems that made the new name less than bulletproof.

  3. they're not great, but not awful. DC is a hub, so you shouldn't get cancelled. i don't think their rate for lost luggage is any worse than average.

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