
Is Versus hurting the NHL?

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Is Versus hurting the NHL?




  1. I don't think that Versus is hurting the NHL, I think the NHL was hurting, and Versus stepped up to try to stop the bleeding.

    I don't have cable, so I can't watch any of the games on Versus. That sucks.

    But before Versus, it was ESPN2, and I don't get that channel either.

    Thank god for CBC. I'm in Detroit, and I get the Windsor feed.

    BTW - even if I *did* have cable, I would watch CBC over Versus. Those damned Canadians know WAAYYYY more about hockey than any of the jerks we got over here. I love the intermissions, because they always ask questions about the smallest little nuance, and if you aren't a hockey fan, you would be like "WTF are they talking about?!"

    They pick up on every little thing. It's great.

  2. NHL needs to look inward at blame--not outward. VS was alright...if you turned off sound on your TV. NBC is HORRIBLE!!! If they  would have shown more commercials the hockey game wouldn't have been shown. They acted like they got the scoop that Crosby played hockey. A bandwagon network at best. Just let ESPN do it .And as far as the reporter between the teams benches goes--I was praying for a bench brawl!!

  3. I agree with Major Tom

    NBC is a joke.The announcers were verbally sparring and trying to be funny.I watched very little of the intermission commentary but what I heard was not impressive.Versus has great coverage and they are a legit carrier of the games in my opinion

  4. They are helping the NHL made the big mistake of not letting ESPN to cover any games after that they showed the games on some outdoor channel which later became versus, did u know more people watch pro bowling in the US than hockey, more and more people are starting to watch versus which becoming a mini ESPN kind of versus is doing a great job for the NHL abd NBC can only show so many games hey if their showing games right after some great show people might watch the game and that will increase the market of the NHL plus Eddie Olcyck Mike Emirck Mike Milbury they do the versus and NBC brodcasts

  5. No. VS does a pretty good job covering games. NBC is hurting the NHL if ANY ONE NETWORK is. They do a TERRIBLE job with coverage usually.

    The NHL is the reason it is on VS over ESPN, with some fault at ESPN. ESPN cut the contract up after the lock-out and tried to give the NHL a small contract. The NHL decided to shop around and saw they could get more money from then Outdoor Life Network(OLN). At that time all OLN really had to it's credit was the Tour De France. Sure it sucks that VS is so hard for most to find on their cable/satellite if it is even ON them. That isn't their fault though, they have to get more established so the places will want to carry them. This is the NHL's mistake for giving them the contract if anyone's.

    Another thought is the NHL needs to get former RADIO Broadcasters covering on VS and NBC. These people who sit around and talk about whatever is on their mind DON'T GET HOW TO BROADCAST. That's what is so great with FSN Pittsburgh. Back when it was Lange and now that it is Staggie you are talking about people who did Radio broadcasts. Actually they used to do the Radio broadcasts together, and for awhile it was done for radio and TV. Thing is they FOCUS ON THE GAME. They don't go talking about stupid c**p that isn't even related to hockey. I understand that I'm watching the game, but I like to hear what is happening as well.

  6. I watched all 3 games, and as far as I'm concerned, versus did a much better job of airing the game. NBC kind of sucks. The problem with versus is that it isnt on every cable network.

  7. I dunno about Versus hurting the NHL but I found that the interview with Ovechkin during the last game's intermission was painful to watch. It felt awkward and seemed like it had no purpose or relevance. Then they made a last-ditch effort to make a connection and Ovie didn't bite. They tried to make him pick a winner and he, smartly, didn't choose between the teams.

  8. Versus gives hockey the reverence that it's due, something that ESPN did not do when they had it, and not something that NBC does now.

    The problem with Versus is that not everyone has it the way that they do with ESPN, and many who do don't realize it.

    Increase awareness of Versus, and some of this will be resolved. That will have to be a joint venture between the NHL and the channel.

  9. YES

    How much more popular would the NHL be if the gm was on ESPN

  10. I think I've changed my mind about Versus because NBC showed me that there's always a worse alternative. NBC's coverage of Game 3 was HORRIBLE. I couldn't even watch the intermission reports because they were so bad. It made me wish the game was on Versus instead. I'm glad I can watch Red Wings games on FSN Detroit during the regular season, though, because they're better than Versus and NBC.

  11. Versus is acceptable...Fox sports is always good for local teams..I wish I had the chance to see this ...tsn...or cbc you guys speak so highly off. And I have to add that the NHL: network is flipping great.

  12. Versus treats the NHL like a god compared to how it was treated on ABC/ESPN.  Versus only problem is it is not easily found on basic cable packages making it tough for some to find the channel to follow the league.

  13. The NHL is hurting the NHL.

    A Scots musician I met once was disgusted with the setup of an event. "Like a flock of f***in' birds who just flew a thoosan' miles an' are askin' ok, what do we do now that we're here?"

    That's the NHL.

  14. I have to be honest, I can see why hockey isn't popular in the states....When CBC was having issues one night they cut to the american feed and I wouldn't watch hockey either if it looked like that. it was ridiculous, it looked like they were broadcasting from a 2 bit arena in the middle of nowhere for a team no one gave 2 s**ts about.

  15. No

    NBC company bought VS so that why HD

    and that why they take turn showing the hockey  game

    I have both channel  local and sport channel.

    NBC still show trail for shows and commerical breaks.

    VS shows all sport commerical breaks and shows

  16. it's better than NBC but not as good as the local channel - in Pittsburgh it is FSN

  17. I think USA has it right. The NHL keeps shooting itself in the foot. However, I think VS did a better job w/ Hockey than NBC is. They're terrible.

  18. Imo, exactly the opposite. OLN/Versus gave the NHL exposure in the US when ESPN treated it like a forgotten stepchild with it's lowball offer after the lockout, and EsPN was enthralled with stupid poker and competitive eating and puking. Remember, this is still a young network and experiencing growing pains like any other still developing network.  Their ratings are improving every year as more households are able to get Versus. The ratings are now higher than they were on E"no s"PN, despite that other non-sports network being available in many more households.

    I love the variety of games Versus shows, not just the same old 6 teams that espn used to show, due to the rule that each team can only be shown a maximum of nines times during the regular season. Gives hockey exposure in areas it NEVER got on espn.

    Of course there is always room for improvement.....

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