
Is WWE real or not real...?

by  |  earlier

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I want the truth Of if wwe and tna is true. I've heard yes and no... So i need someone to PROVE that it is or isn't by words..




  1. god, here we go. The matches and stuff are PRE-DETERMINED. the stuff they do to each other in the ring is real. You can't fake falling through a table or falling on thumb tacks and barbed-wire can you?

  2. It isnt real and here is my proof

    hope you enjoy because wrestling is scripted.

  3. You can't tell just by watching it?Come on now!!

  4. what a stupid question....

    watch it first and tell me

  5. its not real  

  6. Theyd prabably all be dead if it were real

  7. Is this question old as **** or what?

  8. how many times is some mark gonna ask this question? it's fake you imbecile

  9. WWE is scripted

    Watch the first videos

  10. Only the outcome is scripted. The wrestlers try to inflict as little pain as possible, but it's impossible for there to be no pain considering what they do. The blood is real, they use small razors in the ring. But the moves aren't scripted. The wrestlers make it up as they go along. They communicate through the referee and when they are in long grapples. As for the weapons, the canes are cut and glued back together so they break easier. Tables are made of dense sawdust, making it less painful to go through them. But the ring steps and the chairs, they're real. All they can do is try to hit the steel in the right place.

  11. Its not fake and its not real. Its scripted. Some of the things they do are real and it really hurts. Most of the blood is real. The wrestlers use this technique called blading where they get a small blade from the ref and cut themselves with it. The matches are pre-determined so they know who will when win. Most of the time, a move may go wrong and they might injure themselves. Wrestling is scripted.  

  12. Both TNA and WWE are stage and scripted, not fake.

  13. its not real they script it  

  14. They are all scripted.

  15. It's scripted. NOT FAKE. It's more real than movies. I know I've said this before, but 100 % of wrestlers do their own stunts, whill less than 2 percent of actors do so.

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