
Is Waiting Killing You?

by Guest62934  |  earlier

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I have been trying to conceive for 1 year and 7 months so far.

My last period was on June 16 and my period is still not here yet! It is very irregular and no, i'm definitely not pregnant this round.

My mom had irregular periods too and it took her 2 years to conceive my brother, which is the oldest child.

Is waiting killing you? Sick of waiting, being hopeless? tell me your similar story!




  1. Oh yes, I hate waiting.  Well, we're trying to concieve too kinda similar to yours, I had my last period in mid June and still havent got it till now.

    We've just  been married for three weeks, but we want baby so bad.  And I've "sacrificed" about 4 HPTs with negative results for that lol.

    I've a neighbour who was TTC for 11 years now she's blessed with a cute boy and one more to come! So dont give up ;)

    Tons of baby dust to you!

  2. Yes, waiting is killing me. Everyone is telling e to be patient and it will happen when the time is right. However, that doesnt make me feel any better about how long this process is taking.

    I went off birth control in mid June2007. I know it takes a while for the pills to get out of your system but I never thought it would take me this long. I thought I'd be like other people who miss a few pills and fall preggo, but I guess not.

    My period is due on Tuesday. I'm really praying that it doesn't come. I'm 28 years old and my bilogical clock is ticking like crazy!

    Good luck to you. Lots of baby dust and prayers to you.

  3. Yea  I hear you!

    2 yrs + ttc#3 (i'm 39) for us and this cycle it seems is taking forever!  I could start early testing tomorrow (10 dpo) but I haven't physced myself up for the neg yet and I just cant bring myself to.  Wanna wait till about tuesday if I can sustain myself.

    I don't even want to start on the endless negs and dissapointments, just far too many to mention.

    Keeping my fingers crossed that this is OUR MONTH!  Good luck and babydust to all!

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