
Is Xbox Live better than PSN?

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Because lots of people say it is but my friend wont believe anyone because hes a really bad ps3 fanboy lol




  1. Yes

  2. i hate the ps3 fan boys they just cant accept the fact that the 360 is better reasons why xbox live is better is cos its quicker connection, easier to connect with ur friends,  cheaper, looks nicer

    ok its £40 a year but thats nothing it well worth it

    and ps3 has blue ray 70% of ps3 owners have never brought a blue ray dvd

    360 WINS

  3. xbox live is better now but with all the updates for the ps3 its catching up really quickly.

  4. X-box live is much better in my opinion remember you get what you pay for. On PSN you get exactly that which is nothing when compared with X-box live.

  5. my friend has both and he like the xbox live better he said the only good thing about psn is its free. cons for xbox live 1 lot more fun.2 faster 3 better games. cons psn free  

  6. i know you will not pick me but PSN is kinda better then xbox live and the ps3 is better then xbox360 becuase ps3 blu-ray won the format wars and HD cd are old and i am not a fan boy the only way xbox live is better is becuase it be out like when the regular came out and the psn come out like two years ago so they are catching up to xbox live so thats sad.

    Psn dont lag but xbox live does ps3 has better games in couple months xbox like 5 games for it only and tooHuman sucked and ps3 has 11 games for it alone so i think ps3 is better than xbox but xboxlive kinda beats psn by little

  7. if u think XBL is better the PSN then u are a retarded fanboy, psn doesnt lag, its FREE, its not so complicated that u have to click on a bunch of stuff just to find ur friends, u can just click the ps button and look at ur friends, microsoft points cost more then it does just to buy what u want (even my 360 fanboy friend said that, hey said its like either 8000 or 1200 points for a song on rock band and 2 bucks for ps3, and its costs to buy those points about 2.50 or somethin, last reason is because who gives a c**p about 360 it sucks nuts

  8. Xbox Live is 100% better.

  9. psn is 2 billion times better than live and also its free !!!

  10. You pay for quality

    but you are also paying for a better future of xbox to buy more exclusives etc

    PSN is alright - you get mega lag though and full of idiots

  11. i love xbox live its better then psn

    and before anyone says anything i have both so ive tried them both

  12. Yeah of course its better than psn. But the differences to me dont match up to 50 bucks a year it should be more like 25 bucks a year because psn gets almost half the stuff xbl does

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