
Is Yohimbine available in India?

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Simple question. Is Yohimbine available in India? I tried searching on the Internet but could not find any answers.




  1. Well, since nobody has given you an answer yet, I'll toss in my 2 cents.

    If you can't find it in a local health food or herbal store, you could try ordering it from a mail-order company in another country. I know there's at least 3 of them in the U.S. that can and will ship Yohimbine to India... it's not restricted, so it's not a problem.

  2. It is not available in India and this is  s*x related medicine

  3. Yes ,it is available in India as imported medicine.(atBasheerbagh ,Hyderabad)

  4. an alternative to it can be ginseng and Ashwaganda both easily available and are considered more potent. Ashwaganda is by the way local drug used in vedic and greek medicine

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