
Is a esp pill?

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Is a esp pill?




  1. Yes, they call it a placebo, you can probably get a perscription, but, they are very expensive

  2. I found this interesting information at the following site.

    It is but a glimce into the industry that creates fake pills to sell to us. Buyer beware of what you put into your bodies.                                    )

    In the Matter of                    )


    ZYGON INTERNATIONAL, INC.,          )     DOCKET NO. C-3686

    a corporation, and                  )

    DANE SPOTTS,                        )

    individually and as an              )

    officer of said corporation.        )

    We hired the hottest pharmaceutical research lab in the country. The result is the Brain Cognition Formula. Twenty-six ingredients each tested for maximum purity and potency are loaded into a gelatin capsule.

    Look: Popping a few pills won't make you an Einstein, but if your experiences are like mine, you'll notice an improvement in attention, focus, concentration, and mental energy. Because subtle or even major improvements in cognitive functioning often go unnoticed, it's important to have some way of measuring your progress.

    So included in your package will be a special report called The Mental Boost that shows you how to measure your mental progress. You'll be instructed how to look for changes in alertness, mental energy, concentration, memorization, productivity, organization and planning, verbal skills, problem solving ability, mood, sexual desire, and overall health." [Exhibit H: Zygon's SuperLife catalog]

    PARAGRAPH FIFTEEN: Through the use of the statements contained in the advertisements referred to in PARAGRAPH FOURTEEN, including but not necessarily limited to the advertisement attached as Exhibit H, respondents have represented, directly or by implication, that the SuperBrain Nutrient Program:

    A. Enables users to improve their memory.

    B. Enables users to improve their intelligence.

    C. When taken by pregnant women, will cause their children to have enhanced intelligence.

    D. Enhances cognition, increases blood supply and oxygen to the brain, enhances brain cell metabolism, inhibits free radical damage to brain cells, and stimulates neuro-transmitter hormones of users.

    E. Enables users to improve their cognitive and mental functions, including attention and concentration levels, problem solving abilities, and verbal skills.

    PARAGRAPH SIXTEEN: Through the use of the statements contained in the advertisements referred to in PARAGRAPH FOURTEEN, including but not necessarily limited to the advertisement attached as Exhibit H, respondents have represented, directly or by implication, that at the time they made the representations set forth in PARAGRAPH FIFTEEN, respondents possessed and relied upon a reasonable basis that substantiated such representations.

    PARAGRAPH SEVENTEEN: In truth and in fact, at the time they made the representations set forth in PARAGRAPH FIFTEEN, respondents did not possess and rely upon a reasonable basis that substantiated such representations. Therefore, the representation set forth in PARAGRAPH SIXTEEN was, and is, false and misleading.

  3. no sorry.

  4. You could probably get pills to increase your focus to help you train ESP. But to have a pill to automatically get it, no chance there.

  5. Not sure what your asking, but esp is mostly fake anyway, and if there was a pill that worked, it would be world famous, on the news, advertised everywhere. Some big drug company would be cashing in with the biggest find since viagra.

  6. I'm having difficultly understanding your question. I think you may have left out a word or two.

    But if you're asking if there is a pill you can take that will give you ESP, the answer is no. ESP is a power that has never been shown to exist, and certainly not obtainable from a pill.

  7. there is a company,that says there is  a dietary supplement

    unlike any other.  It contains a unique and rare ingredient called "Magnetite" which is believed to be the source in the brain allowing animals to demonstrate sixth sense-like abilities more commonly referred to as ESP.and this company,believes that magnetite levels can be safely increased in human beings with Magneurol6-S(tm)
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