
Is a friend asking too much?

by  |  earlier

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i have a friend who is kind of casual. meaning we talk maybe once every 2 weeks, or if she is dating someone it can go to once every 2 months. Basically we hang out when her social life is not as active or she is not dating anyone. Heres the thing during those brief visits with each other she always asks me to make stuff for her, stuff that takes me hours even days to do. for example she saw a wedding video i made, its edited very well to music, it took me a long time to learn how to do it, even now that i have mastered the editing program and process it still takes a good 7 to 9 hours to make a 5 minute video. so she asked can you make me one of her little sister through the years, growing up, ect... she offered no money cause i guess she figures im a friend so i should not charge her. I personally could never ask a friend to do something like that, and she knows it takes me like 9 hours of computer work another thing she asked me is when she saw a sweater of mine and said wow! this is so nice i said thank you it was harder then i thought it took 4 days to make it, and she replied can you make me one? again she already knew it took me like 4 days to make that sweater and offered no money. so what should i do? its a lot of work for me and i get very burned out from doing these freebies. what should i say to her?




  1. try simply saying no. if she wants the items , tell her you'll show her how to start them but the rest is up to her. you could discourage her by making a list of how much it would cost and then say that's without labour , then start working out the labour cost,add it on and ask for a down payment or something of equal time and value. she sounds selfish . i'm not sure she's a good friend. cut your losses and move on.

  2. She sounds like a ******* ********* seriously next time she says something selfish tell her how much she annoys you and tell her how selfish she is, etc.

  3. I think she is too demanding an you should simply tell her that you don't have the time to be able to do it. I would scream if a friend asked me to do that :o

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