
Is a palate expander painful?

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1. Does it hurt when it gets put in?

2. Does it make you talk weirdly?

3. Does it make you druel for ages?

4.How long do you have it for?

5. Do you need braces with it? - If so, how long for? (6)

7. How does it get taken off?

8. How long does it take to put it in?

9. Does it hurt when it's taken off?

10. How long does it take to take it out?

11. How many times would you have to turn it?

12. Any other details?




  1. - Is it painful? --- Only when you have to crank it each day. It's worst the first few times you do it, but after that, it gets a lot better. You'll also feel a little pressure on your palate after you turn it, but this goes away too.

    1. No, it's a pretty quick and painless.

    2. For the first few days. After that, you should be fine. (There may be a few sounds that you'll have trouble with all the time with your expander -- e.g. my "ee" sound was always a little awkward -- but nothing that anyone will notice.)

    3. Again, just for the first few days. After that, you might drool a little (especially when you sleep -- I never drooled in my sleep until I got my expander), but once again, nothing too noticeable.

    4. I believe it ranges from around 2-6 months. I've had mine for almost 3 (and am getting it off in a few days). It varies with each person -- ask your orthodontist what it should be for you.

    5. I got braces on the bottom teeth at the same time as my expander, and I'm getting the top braces when I get the expander off. It varies for each person, though. I've heard of people who have had their expander before they got braces at all, and people who've had top and bottom braces AND an expander at the same time.

    6. Most people have braces for anywhere from 6 months to 3 years. The average is probably around a year and a half to two years.

    7. Can't answer that, I'm afraid, because I'm still waiting for that moment :P

    8. It's really quick, around 10-15 minutes at the very longest.

    9. Again, I don't know that yet, sorry.

    10. See 9. :)

    11. I turned mine 3 times in the morning and 3 at night for two weeks. Again, it varies for each person.

    12. Eating's a bit tricky for the first few days, but just like with talking, you'll get used to it. Other than that, I think you covered everything with your questions!

    I hope this was some help, even though I couldn't give any information about getting the expander off.  

  2. it will hurt like mad. The rest will be explained by your orthodontist.

  3. 1. no

    2.yes a bit, but you get used to it

    3.only initially

    4.for 3 to 6 months you do

    6.1 to 2 years

    7.with a plier

    8.about 15 minutes

    9.not really

    10.15m inutes

    11.depends on your condition, sometimes every day or every week covered them all

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