
Is a perpetual motion machine feasible?

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A 12V Battery(1) running a 12V motor through belt gears or direct drive,running a alternate geneator charges another batter(2) from battery(1) . Does this represent perpetual motion?




  1. Nope. Thermodynamics states that the most energy that can be generated by any system is the energy input. In this case the friction and electrical resistance would reduce the efficiency below 100%, and the machine would grind to a halt.

  2. its possible. you could make a spinning arm suspended around an electromagnetic axis (with repelling charges, so they dont touch) in a complete vacuum away from even the smallest gravity.

    but you couldnt use it for an ever lasting source of energy because you would have to extract energy from the device and it would eventually stop.

  3. A perpetual motion machine is possible, but not in your example.  Thermodynamics must remain true.  Therefore the possiblility must be in strict regulations.  

    it must have:

    NO friction, so therefore no moving part must touch another object

    NO air friction, meaning a complete vacum (which we haven't been able to make yet)

    it is IMPOSSIBLE to make the machine do profitable work, meaning that you cannot extract energy from it without it losing the 'perpetual' part (it will slow and stop eventually)

    But when you think about it, light acts as something perpetual, it will keep going, never slowing down from the speed of light, and it does impart momentum to other object (eg. it makes them move slightly).  

    However I am not sure if this causes the light (photon) to lose energy and become a larger wavelength.

    So feesable? probably not.

    Possible (keeping to the laws of physics)? yes

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