
Is a protein a gene?

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I know this question may be stupid, but is a protein (or an amino acid) a gene? If not, what is it? Thanks!!




  1. No protein is not a gene.

  2. No. Genes are constructed of DNA (or RNA for some viruses).  The bases of the DNA are not amino acids, and DNA is not a protein.  However, genes have the coding information to produce proteins.

  3. No...genes are made up of amino acids which are proteins. They are linked but a protein is not a gene

    For example...your body is made up of mostly protein...your hair is protein, your nails, your organs, your skin...but are those parts genes? No

    hope i helped =]

  4. Protiens are made up of one or more polypeptide chains, which in turn are made up of amino acids. The function of a polypeptide chain is determined by the shape it takes on, after folding according to chemical interactions which depend on it's amino acid sequence.

    Each single gene holds the coding information for a single polypeptide chain, because the nucleotide base pair sequence in a gene determines the amino acid sequence of a polypeptide.

    Examples of different types of protien include - 1. Fibrous protiens, like Keratin and Collagen that make up skin, hair, and determine the shape of cells and tissue structures. 2. Enzymes, which are responsible for controlling various chemical reactions in the body. 3. Receptors for hormones and neurotransmitters, which play an important role in physiology and nervous system function.


    this may help explain it :)

  6. No, a protein is not a gene but yes, a gene is made of proteins.

  7. A protein is a gene product. A gene is the DNA sequence that codes for the protein.

  8. A gene is a specific fragment of DNA - deoxyribonucleic acid - this is not a protein. A gene contains the instructions for making a protein: it is first copied to messenger RNA and then the RNA is translated into a protein, one amino acid at a time.

    An amino acid is the building block of a protein, with a specific chemical structure. Amino acids are joined together into long chains, which then fold in a specific way to form a functional protein. Proteins can be structural e.g. keratin which is the major component of hair and nails; they can be enzymes e.g. amylase which functions in the breakdown of starch into sugar; they may also be regulatory for example controlling which genes are expressed.
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