
Is a shooting pad worth it?

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ice hockey shooting pad such as a skillpad or slickshot, is it actually slippery or would plexiglass or something else work just as well? are they worth it, and if so is there any difference between different brands, and whats the best deal for it?? (preferred if someone who has one could answer)




  1. Not sure am thinking of getting one too, when unable to get to the rink (for ice hockey) I can practise roller hockey in a nearby parking lot but the surface is so-so, and I can't use roller hockey pucks on it. (Common sense says I can't use an ice puck either) And so I gotta use a street hockey ball or a worn-out tennis ball. At least if I had an ice hockey shooting pad I could skate around a little, line up for a shot and let it rip. Just be sure to use your ice sticks (provided their only immediate contact will be with the pad and the puck), because I don't think an ABS blade can hold up to the weight of an ice hockey puck for too long ..

  2. Commercially produced shooting pads are overpriced. For this reason, I have been making pads out of my garage for anyone that wants one. I work at a plastics supply house in the Dallas area. I make them in a few different sizes, like 24 x 36, 24 x 48 and  32 x 48. I only charge the cost of the material, plus some beer money to keep me in the mood to continue to make them. I will UPS them to you wherever you live.

    P.S. Plexiglass will break if you hit it hard enough, so I don't reccommend using that. I use HDPE, a very slick surfaced material that WILL NOT break. You could use the chairmat material a previous poster mentioned, but it will yellow quickly in the sun, and become very brittle, and break as well as it is made from PVC.

  3. no.. just get one of those things u put under desks on carpet w/ the spikes on the bottom.. its not as slippery but it works just as well and its a lot cheaper. plus it makes u work on ur power if u use a puck on it

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