
Is a spinner worth the money?

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I'm thinking of getting a spinner to work on my balance and stuff for my spins and to get a good position, but is it worth the $50 the pro shop near my house is asking for or should i keep the money and just practice on ice?




  1. well honestly we don't have spinner in my country but I've seen it b4.. But I think it's good coz you can't always skate and that will help you with the off ice...

  2. I think they work great. It really helps to center your spins. I have one and i love it. 50$ might be a lot of money i got mine from rainbosports for 40. (I have the silver one). IT really helps with your spins. I think it is worth it but maybe not 50$. If you end up getting one dont use it where there is dirt bc it wil get stuck in it and it wont go as fast. I used mine in the grass last summer and i am still picking grass out of it.

    heres the link to rainbosports

  3. Personally I'd go ahead and save your money. Spinning on the spinner is much different than spinning on ice. The balance, and positions are all done differently on ice and on skates than they are done on a spinner. After using many different spinners I'd suggest just saving your money and go ahead and practice your spinning on the ice.

  4. I dont think they help at all! but they maybe help with balance.

  5. it is not worth $50

    i got mine cheaper at skatebuys

  6. I think they are only good for practicing balance and staying up. For a spin to be good you have to have a good entry but you can't have a good entry if your on a spinner.

  7. Spinners are only as good as the person using them.  I would suggest that spinners are best used as tools for loop position practice.  If you can achieve a stable back scratch spin on a spinner, it has done what it is supposed to do.  As far as practicing sit spins, camel spins, or laybacks, I don't think that spinners really do much.  

    You have to use a spinner the same way you skate.  On the gold or silver kind, you really need to be in releve (up on the ball of your foot) to simulate a spin.  

    The rectangular plastic spinners have a rocker on the bottom so you do not have to be in releve and are actually more challenging to use that the gold or silver with ball bearings.  Same practical ideas apply though -- use it to train loop position.    

    There is a vid on Youtube of a girl doing some phenomonal stuff on a spinner.  I would suggest that she's an exception to the rule that spinners aren't worth it to practice positions.  She's on a plastic one.  Check it out.

  8. Lots of differences in opinions here!!  

    I bought this one long ago (or one like it):

    I personally thought this was not worth my money.  At one time I thought I was never going to be able to spin and I got desparate, so that's why I got it.  Well, I never could get the hang of spinning on the spinner - so I didn't even bother trying any further - I had better success on the ice even on a bad day!!  So, with a little more patience and practice time on the ice, I finally learned to spin - with no help from the spinner.  

    I agree with Annie A.  The success of a spin requires good technique on the spin entry and spinners really do not help with that.  There is no gliding, turning or pushing of edges involved to learn the timing to center a spin with a spinner.    

    But my spinner worked great as a door stop - ha!  :P

  9. Well, I have a skate spinner and its kinda hard to balance on. I am a pre-juv level skater and I have pretty good spins. The best thing I can do on the spinner so far is a three-revolution sit spin. I've practiced on it for probably a total around 2 1/2 hours since I got it a couple months ago. If you do decide to get one, get a larger one because the one I got is square and about 8 inches across, so part of my foot slips off.

  10. I think it's worth it. Keep looking on the internet, there are cheaper prices out there.

  11. what exactly is a spinner? ive seen them but i dont know what they do. please answer thanx.!!!! ( - 8*

  12. I have this one:

    It's $40 from Rainbo sports.

    If you think of it as a balance trainer, it's worth the money.  For spins, I think the only one it helped me with was the backspin to get the feel of spinning on my right foot.  

    There are other exercises you can do on a spinner besides spinning.  You can do a salchow from a spinner - it's the 3-turn entry, then jump off it to complete the salchow.  For balance, stand on it in your checked landing position and hold as long as possible.  

    I think they're worth the money but they're not going to magically teach you to spin. But they have other benefits because they engage your core and train balance.

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