
Is age a hinderance to education?

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can education continue at any age.




  1. well, from what I know, its easiest to learn when youre young. Say you want to learn english and Spanish, its way easier when your 5 than say 15.

  2. ABSOLUTELY NOT! (I hope not.........)

    Myself being already "up on the hill" - not yet "OVER", thank you, (at age 43) understand that a person's "mental prowess" depends entirely upon how THEY perceive (O.K. for the lack of a more limiting term) LIFE.

    %Many friends of mine (who are well into and a few over age 80!) are still as sharp as ever - planning each and every new opportunity.

    %I recall THREE of my College classmates who were well into "thier Golden years" who kept the rest of us (class of 1981) College Freshmen on our toes all throughout the term.

    ...I just hope that I can live as long and FULFILLED as my Grandfather, who passed away at age 87.  -  He was working on another stereo system cabinet JUST BECAUSE HE HAD ENOUGH TIME for it when he passed away.

  3. no age is not the hindrance

  4. age is never a hindrance to education.actually I am a year younger in my class yet I got the 1st rank in school you learn till u die.It is only interest and love for learning and knowing more and passion for studies that counts.Learn as much as u can no matter whether u r 40 , 50, 70or 100 years old!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. When I read your question, I thought you were going to ask a question about young children learning calculus or something :)

    It is not "easier to learn when you are young". You learn when you are excited about the things that you want to learn.

    Young children learn a lot, but they learn a lot of basics. They need these things to function. They are excited about the world and want to know as much as they can. They are open to anything.

    As people get older, their understanding of the world becomes more concrete, and more abstract. The things that people learn when they are older, are far more complicated, so it takes longer. But, they aren't less able to learn.

    Here's what actually can be a hindrance to learning:

    1) Maturity. If your brain is not yet ready to learn the material, either because it has not yet developed (people's brains develop well into their 20's) or it is still trying to work on other things before moving to the new thing, then it will be hard to learn that new thing. When your brain is ready, it will be easy to learn. For example, learning to talk. Or to walk. Or to do complicated statistical analysis. You can't make a 1 year old talk no matter how hard you try. Their brains aren't ready.

    2) Self-esteem. If you think you're dumb, or unable to do something, it will hinder learning

    3) Interest. If you don't have the interest, it will hinder learning

    4) Meaning. If the thing you are learning doesn't have meaning in your life, it will be a hindrance

    5) The way it's presented. If the thing you are learning is being presented in a way that doesn't jive with your learning style, it  can be a hindrance

    6) Expectations. If you are taught that things are THIS WAY and you accept that, when faced with new data and new evidence, the "there is a right answer" way of thinking can be a hindrance to learning.

    7) Not wanting to be wrong. If you never want to be wrong, or are afraid of being wrong, it is a hindrance to learning.

    8) Supportive people in life. Not having people in your life who support you as a person is a hindrance to learning.

    9) School. Thinking that school, classrooms and academics is the only way to learn, is a hindrance to learning.

    10) Self-reliance. If you are unable to identify and take care of your own needs, it will be a hindrance to your learning.

    Age is, and isn't, a hindrance to learning. It just depends on what age has brought you. Has it brought you wisdom and openness, or has it brought you rigidness and insecurity?

    If you are interested in learning at any age, I've included a link to a magazine you might like.

  6. children absorbe most information at a younger age. Now that doesnt mean that as they get  older that they will stop learning. Learning never stops, It just requires a little more work as we age.

  7. Education can, and does, continue at any age. There is a group known as the Opsimaths - it's a coined pseudoGreek word that means coming to learning later in life, which is made up of peoplel who went back to university after they were retired, and at ages 75, 80 and older, they are getting degrees in subjects that they find interesting.

    It is easier to learn at a young age, but if the intent is there, it is certainly possible to continue learning well after most people have retired.

  8. You live and learn everyday.  It is true that you're more of a sponge when you're young (birth to 13 years old).  After that it becomes harder for you to retain things and adapt.  My teacher used to always use learning foreign languages as an example.  When you're young you are more able to learn another language because your brain won't try to interpret it to English.  It's less of a cognitive process so that's why it's so much easier to learn at a younger age.  There are a lot of adults who defy the odds but have a harder time.  Don't limit yourself due to age.  The possibilities are endless.

  9. long as you are interested and willing to learn,it could not be a hindrance.

  10. Absolutely

  11. Age shouldn't be a hinderance, not unless you are like 90-something and trying to learn crazy stuff. It's easier to learn when you're younger, though. If you're at school and you're a different age than everyone else, the age difference might make you a little isolated, but you should still learn at the same pace. I know because I'm two years younger than my classmates, and at first I was kind of isolated, but it gets better over time.

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