
Is an astronomer a good job?

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I am 13 and thinking about what i want to go into. I have allways loved space but i don't know if astronomy will get me anywere. I like studying planets and finding information about thm. I also would like to do the astronomy that you find planets or study the ones in our gallaxy. Are there good joebs???.............and this is totally off this topic but should you say thank you when a guy holds the door open for you???




  1. Being an astronomer is a great job. However, there are more astronomers than jobs for them. But if you study really really hard in science and math you may become one of those who will become a great astronomy. Learn all you can.

  2. if you mean to make money, no...

    even for the professionals, astronomy is more of a hobby, then job.

    there are thousands upon thousands of people out there doing it.... it'd be the same as being a singer.... you COULD make it big, if you could somehow get your name out there and the support needed to build the fame.... but the chances of it are unlikely...

    astronomy is best reserved for those who just love the stars, look up at them at night and get a feeling in them.... it's a hard feeling to describe but anyone who feels it knows what i'm talking about...

  3. Do you like astronomy?  If so, then it's a good job.

    Find a job you like and you'll never have to work a day in your life.

  4. Big money + interesting field= good job

  5. Follow your dreams and do what you want. If you like studying the other planets, becoming a planetary astronomer would be a great option for you. Most astronomers work either for NASA or at Universities. If you choose the University route, and get tenure, you'll have to teach a class or two, but you'll be free to do whatever research you want about the planets. Travel to observatories, gather data, etc. But be prepared, astronomers will deal with a lot of math and number crunching - so I hope you like math!

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