
Is anyone else like this?

by  |  earlier

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Cleans up, but if your home is messy you cant concentrate like, i'm 15 and my bedroom is spotless and when my sister sometimes goes in my bathroom for a shower when someones in the master bathroom she makes a huge mess and i get so annoyed and i go and clean it and i like clean the kitchen and stuff & I just can't concentrate on homework or chill out if the house is untidy, is anyone else like that?





  1. I hate it when people move my things, cause that means I will never find them.

    Im not as clean as you are, but I do get mad when people mess with my stuff [brother lol]

    But I think it's some what normal to want to be clean and have everything in the right place.

    If your REALLY obsessive about it then thats a different issue.

    You could have OCD or control problems, but I don't think you have either.

    But you didn't really go into detail about if your obsessed with cleaning so... I wouldn't really know.

  2. My sister is like that.

    Seems like you have moderate OCD.

  3. yes i myself with a big majority of people are the same way, some people call it ocd but it is not its called wanting a good structured life it can and will take you far in life just dont let it get out of hand because it can develop into ocd,organized people like to be clean and tidy because they feel more comforatable in a controlled enviroment you have control if you keep your house clean but when it is messy you feel you dont have that control,  

  4. not in the bathroom and the kitchen. just when my room or when the living room is messy. it is normal though that a person cannot concentrate with what they're doing when the surroundings is messy.

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