
Is anyone else scared of swans?

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i donno what it is that make me scared ov them thier this scary,mean things they look harmless when u see them from far away but it when u get close i just get scared because they hiss and stand up and open theree wings. can any1 tell me why i'm scared




  1. Swans wings can break your arm. Your are right to be wary of them..

  2. you just answered you're own question "i just get scared because they hiss and stand up and open theree wings"

    it's meant to scare you off from attacking them and you're right to be scared they can break your arm easily. Don't mess with the swans!

  3. They can be vicious blighters when they want to be. I had one chase me up the tow path of our canal when I was younger. not a nice experience I can say!!!

    Be wary of them because they can hurt you. the won't attack unless they think you are a danger to them so just remember not to get too close.

  4. Yeah, they're kinda scary. They smell really bad too.

  5. The only swans that I'm scared of are the ones who've set up nest right on the footpath down by the river where I live. The male sits on the nest, whilst the female stands guard. She's very aggressive and will not let me pass at all. Otherwise, if you keep your distance with them you're ok.

  6. yep, they are scary beasts- i avoid them at all costs, especially as i've been told they can break your arm if they hit it with their wings (this is probably an urban myth but ive never fancied getting close enough to one to find out)

  7. We all have fears of one kind or another,Swans are One of My favourite Birds they are Graceful and Elegant.I have Fed them

    at the river,and usually they are only Threatening if they have young cygnets.And Yes they are more than capable of breaking your arm,but this would be in extreme circumstances if they felt threatened themselves.

  8. Swans aren't terrifying it's the same with any animal, just give them healthy respcet.

  9. I hate pigeons and gold fish!  Whats up with that?

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