
Is anyone from germany???

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im goin to germany in two months, and i want to know what the hot spots for partying are, any rule aof thumbs i should fallow, any crazy laws i should make a point not to break???




  1. yes there are people from germany

  2. No.. but I have been all over Germany

  3. I have heard Köln (Cologne) is great to party, also in Düsseldorf (the largest bar of the country). Probably in Berlin and Munich they have great bars and discos. You have to ask locals. I live in Düss but i am already too old to tell you about it. Be carefull with the drinks, you cannot drive a car or a bicycle when you drank a few beers. And i have seen also that if you are totally drunk and walking on the streets you may also have problems with the police. I am not sure about what i am going to say, but Germany is not a party place, you should go to Spain: Mallorca or Ibiza for example. All the youngsters in Germany go there to party. Ask the poor Spaniards...

    If you are coming during the World Cup i would say that there will be lots of parties in all the cities where the matches will be held, so if you look where are these and once you are in the city try to stay in touch with info of concerts and activities for tourists. During the games there will be huge TV´s on the streets, etc.. I think you will have all of these info when you get here. Go to the big cities, i would not recommend to stay in tiny places like Gelsenkirchen or Kaiserslautern. Go to Munich, Frankfurt, Berlin.

  4. so,cool....! i love all people germany. cause so all the men is handsome and cute.not only that,there are so something a surprises. i will going germany too,but i dont know to get there,cause im is a studnt high school.

  5. my grandmas father imagrated here from germany, and there last name was mink, but ppl here didnt prenounce it right so he changed it to minch, but then ppl called them the american way of ch, like cheese, but he realy wanted the ch sound to be like k  sound, just thought i would tell you the story. so yes, i am german.

  6. check out

    Loads of info from expats that actually live there about all aspects of life, especially weird rules, just use their search engine!

  7. my friend christian (chris) is from germany. go to the south west beach.

  8. first of all you must specify to which town you go. i'm from germany and can tell you lots of hot spots in munich or cologne, but i'm not so familiar with other cities.

    there are no crazy laws, but don't drive drunken!!

  9. What about australia?

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