
Is australia really any good?

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i was born and raised in melbourne

i have been to the u.s.a & england

i really think australia is the most boring place in the world

im 17... what do you think will be the quicket way of getting out of here?




  1. Tariq

    do you know how many brits are living in australia?  thousands and thousand of them

    what does that say about the UK?

  2. I live in Topeka, Kansas and other than my girlfriend and daughter, it's dead boring. We would soooooooooo love to have your problem of living in Melbourne, wanna trade? =)

  3. Oh man, I pity you.

    It must be torture living in the conditions of this country.

    Personally, i think of Australia has the Alcatraz of the Southern Hemisphere.

    Surrounded by water with a healthy population of fauna, which will unprovoked or provoked will seriously kill you if any escape attempts are made. This symbolizes the bay area Alcatraz is in.

    Quickest way?? That's hard but people did in retrospect escape Alcatraz, but only some.

  4. im 20 and could not imagine living anywhere else permantly

    in my office tariq i work with 7 poms,2 canadians and only 3 aussies.

    and to the answer  of this question,you r only 17!your not even legal to go out to clubs/bars experiane any night life.

    i think its strange when people diss there own country,wait till u live overseas permently and i bet u change your tune and be all pro australia

    the quickest way getting out would be by a plane

  5. I'm 17 as well and live in England. You wouldn't believe the amount of australian teachers that are in my college. I wonder why so many of them are running away from down under to live here. I've always thought of australia as a holiday resort more than a place where you would live and work. I guess you could come over here to study.... that's a quick way.

  6. My parents took me to australia for a 4 week holiday last year and i wanted to leave the next day i arrived...

    The funny thing is that the australians i come across here in London are so patriotic and always going on about australia being the best country in the world... why are hundreds of them roaming the streets of London if australia is so d**n amazing... LOL

  7. I've travelled to many countries. Australia has never really appealed to me for some reason.

    As a previous answerer said, my parents also took me there some years ago and i was really bored.

    I have no intention of visiting australia again only because it's not for me. But i'm sure others like it.

    Oh well..... if you hate australia that much then i suggest you wait till you're 18 and then make a move.

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