
Is brocolli and cheese good?

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is brocolli and cheese good for you??the kind of cheese is cheese whiz....i just can't eat brocolli alone...i have to eat it with something...what else is healthy that you can eat brocolli with???Do not put other veggies in the answer




  1. Cheez Whiz is artificial c**p, with tons of preservatives and chemicals.   Try sprinkling some REAL shredded cheese on top instead.  Vary the cheeses for different flavors:  mozzarella, provolone, cheddar, mixed cheeses - but be sure to get REAL cheese, not processed or cheese "food"

  2. Err, no. There is nothing healthy about cheese whiz.

  3. well, you can put it with cheddar cheese or something. It's pretty good that way. =]

    Cheese whiz really isn't the best for you though. It's pretty unhealthy.

  4. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!

  5. save it for a steak sandwich and serve the brocolli on the side.

  6. No cheese whiz!  please don't ingest!

    Try cream of broccoli soup

    You can also make CBZ (I make it every week)

  7. ummm... its not that bad, but have you tried broccli with margrine or something?

  8. Yeh. I guess it's good for you. i love it, but my doctor said its not the BEST thing for you. But you wanna know something that is really good? Have you ever had Beef Stroganoff? It's relie good. There is also chicken, if you like that better than beef. But me, just me, I like beef. So you add cheese ( Any Kind ) Meet ( Any Kind ) And brocolli. It's relie good. I hope you like it.

    I hope i've been of good service.

    hehe. [:

  9. yes, its delicious.

  10. eat it with salad dressing...idk but i lovvve brocolli and cheese

  11. I tend not to see cheese as healthy for you (I hate veggies w/ cheese, so I'm biased).  I personally like steamed broccoli with salt and pepper, or raw.  I don't usually like steamed veggies, but this and carrots are the ones that go on my exceptions list.

    For other pairings, Sour Cream with Hidden Valley Ranch spice mix (not the actual dressing, but the spice packet) mixed together is a good party dip and pretty tasty, plus it only needs a dollop.  

    You can also do a stir-fry w/ soy sauce and drown it in rooster sauce.  

    I've also seen it with butter.

  12. Yes, and it gives you great smelling gas. (especially in the bathtub)

  13. It tastes delicious, but Cheese Whiz isn't good for you; it has a lot of chemical c**p in it. If you want to make it healthier, you could grate cheese on top of broccoli and microwave it, that also tastes really good.

    Broccoli also tastes good dipped in a number of dips and salad dressings, even dipped in soy sauce. The ones you use depends on your taste in dips. Just don't be afraid to experiment!


  14. you+me=baby

  15. Its ok..i don't think its to bad but i def wouldn't use cheese use a block of cheese and grate some over it and bake it maybe....any type of cheese that you like....but its also good with italian salad dressing to...or even just a little olive oil salt and pepper then bake it in the oven...its really good that way.

  16. its good with salt

  17. Yes...I love it. Craft cheese melted over it. Steemed with butter, salt, pepper. On hot days, raw, chilled, dipped in ranch! It is good for you, high in fiber and vitamins.

  18. i was watching this show and they said that cheese whiz isnt good for you, even if it is good! (its really processed cheese>chemicals and other bad stuff)

    a healthier choice is SALAD DRESSING!!! orr sour cream is yummy too! maybe not the healthiest, but healthier than cheese whiz

  19. I personally love broccoli and cheese. Broccoli of course, is very healthy. The processed cheese, not so much. A little bit won't kill you, but it's definitely not good for you either. You could just get some natural cheddar to melt on top. Also, maybe dip it in Ranch dressing or even salsa. You could make a broccoli salad with your fave dressing and then add dried cranberries or raisins and some sunflower seeds.

  20. It is delicious, but if you smother it in cheese sauce it is not going to be very healthy!

    Look up broccoli recipes on you can find one that will suit you!

    I like it raw dipped in a fat free ranch.  Still not the healthiest, but a step in the right direction.  But I eat it plain as well i love broccoli!

    As for a cheese sauce recipe, take about a cup of cheese and heat it up to a low simmer, pour in a cup of grated cheese (I usually use sharp cheddar because it has such a strong flavor, which is diluted a little in the sauce) Once the cheese is melted in the milk start slowly adding cornstarch to get the desired thickness! Do all of this on the stove.  If you like it really cheesey throw in a little extra at the beginning.

  21. You could make it into almost a chinese 'stirfry' type side dish... fry it with some onions and garlic (I know you said no other veggies with it, sorry) and add some soy sauce.... delicious!  Serve with boc choy or rice

  22. Processed cheese like cheez whiz is not good for you, too many additives and presrvatives - but it'll work if that's the only thing available.  How about some ranch or bleu cheese or creamy italian dressing to dip it in?

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