
Is canada a country?

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Is canada a country?




  1. No... we're just the United States' hat, here....

  2. Yes, of course. Where are you from? Didn't they teach you that in school?

  3. No.

    I mean yes.

  4. Yes it is a country. It is a part of North America

    It is made of providences such as Quebec, Ontario, Nova Scotia, etc.

  5. It's kinda in limbo between being a part of the United States and being a part of Britain. Officially canada is still a member of the commonwealth. I'd say NO, it is not a real country.

  6. Some say it is, others say it's America's 51st State.  I think it's safe to say Canada is still a country.

  7. I really would like to know where you are from.

  8. What did you think?? can't believe you asked such a question  

  9. No, it's a principality of Great Britain, with the exception of Quebec, which is under French rule. Sort of how Monaco is a principality of France.

    Seriously...yes, Canada is a country. Please return to elementary school immediately.

  10. Yes it is

  11. Technically it is country. However, in terms of its questionable presence on the international stage, its readiness to grant Quebec special powers, and its lack of a true "identity", one has to wonder, is Canada a country? Don't get me wrong, I love my country, but sometimes I have to wonder if my patriotism doesn't overshadow the reality. When we consider the lop-sided free trade agreement with the US, the uniting of Canada and US security policies (i.e., the ability of US troops to enter Canada with authority in a crisis), the mimicking of our foreign policy to match that of the US, and our overwhelming desire to placate Quebec, you have to conclude that there's more to this question than meets the eye.

  12. no, it's a city.

  13. is america a country?

  14. Yes.

  15. What kind of question is that?  What makes a country a country?  Doesn't the U.S. have a flag?  A consitution? a government? beliefs? customs or culture?  Canada is a country just like the U.S.A.

  16. Yes indeed, sitting right on top of the good old USA

  17. Canada is the 54th state of US

    51st state Japan

    52nd state Korea

    53rd state Israel

    54th state Canada

  18. uhh.. YES. diid yuo guo 2 skool?

  19. Doh!

  20. You're kidding right?
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