
Is cheerleading a fun sport

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Is cheerleading a fun sport




  1. its okay..

  2. Yes of course!!!!! why do you ask?

  3. omg(osh) yea! Its the funnest (not a word?) sport there is!

  4. YES! i love it. whats better then having a group of girls(maybe boys too) to hang out with and get to know and all while doing a sport you love?

  5. well i love it. but cheerleaders are stereotyped too much.......cheerleading is fun! We are the only humans who can fly.hehe :p.we also show off our skills in front of the whole school and get to help make games funner when were losing and pep our team up! and we meet hot guys at basketball and football games! lol hahaha

  6. Probably, not sure I'd call it a sport, though, but that's just my opinion.

    BTW, Cheyenne, that's a lovely name. :)

  7. gymnastics is prettier, but i guess cheer leading is better for some people than gymnastics

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