
Is chivalry really dead? Why?

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Is chivalry really dead? Why?




  1. To some extent it is. On tv they did some experiements and tried out a lot of things where a girl would drop books and other common circumstances where people would walk by without helping and yea.

    But then again, i come across chivalry in everyday life where the man would hold the door open but thats just common curtesy and manners.

    Some people are polite and some aren't.

  2. No, not in my world.  

    Certainly the womens movement that began in the Sixties has had an effect where opening a door for women, or always picking up the check at a restaurant,  holding a chair, or standing when a woman walks into a room are concerned.  But at its core, men who LIKE women still believe and relish the word, chivalry.

    In my world women are revered!


  3. YES

    Why? -Because men don't gain anything from being chivalrous anymore. We actually LOSE respect for it.

  4. "Men are pigs, and oppressors of women who conspire to fix wages unfairly , now open the door for me and pay for my entertainment you b*****d!!"

    Does anything seem wrong with the above statement ?

  5. Sadly no. Although women talk a lot about equality, they still are treated like damsels when it suits them.

  6. In my world, it is, but only because I disemboweled it.

  7. Only if you want it to be. If she likes it, and the guy likes doing it, it is alive and well. If opening a car door for a woman questions her strength, how strong of a woman can she be?

  8. Men are chivalrous if afforded the opportunity.

  9. No, its not dead.  Not in my world, anyway.  I'm still treated as a lady in my life by men who enjoy chivalrous acts...but, perhaps, thats because I don't chide them for it, and show my appreciation by performing more traditional acts of a female for them.  

    Men will be chivalrous when they know they won't be attacked for it...

  10. As Chester said, Feminism killed it dead, and now they are working on doing the same to men.

  11. If a man holds a door open for a woman today, he's as likely to get kicked in the shins as to get a thank you.

  12. Thanks to Germaine greer and her mates "The liberated women" It is!!!!!

  13. Im 17, i hold doors open for most women. But sometimes i forget because iv got things on my mind but in general i do polite things about 90% of the time. However my ex used to hate it if id hold doors open for other women or even her women friends! so i guess has a lot to do with society today and the fact so many men are rude if you do be polite people class you as weird. Maybe its just in the uk this happens but the women go for bad guys so why hold a door for someone who appreciates it when you can slam it in their face and get a date. But just to let you know i dont do it to score just because my dad used to do it for my mum and make me do it so it kind of stuck with me.

  14. Feminists are the only women complained about chivalry so women can thank them.

    My aunt says men used to always give women their seats on buses and trains but now they don't even think about it.

  15. If you are talking about the days of jousting for a fair-maiden's hand, challenging someone to a duel over an insult, and Sir Walter Raleigh laying his coat down to keep some damsel's feet dry, for the most part yes.

    Now if you ask whether bad form has overtaken manners, the answer is no.  No, we do not always find it necessary to ask our for hope-for future father-in-law's daughter's hand, but that does not mean we will not honor and respect her, and forsake all others.

    Chivalry can exists in our hearts and minds.  But only as long as we appreciate it.

  16. I don't think so.  Nothing wrong with opening doors for a specific woman, or carrying packages for her.  I don't do that for everyone but I do for my beloved.

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