
Is climbing mountains worth it ?

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Nine climbers got killed recently in Pakistan when they were coming down from K-2 (second highest peak in the world), they were taken away by an avalaunch? Can we call mountain hiking a sports ? Does this should be banned ?




  1. that the beauty of mountain climbing its a very risky sports. which you cant gain anything.. so why climb? that can be answered not by anyone and say we should banned this coz people died specially those people who have not tried climbing a mountain i mean those Loser people..  

  2. It depends on your perspective. These climbers might have died doing something dangerous, even foolish by some standards. But you know what, they weren't out there because they hated it. They loved the mountains so much that they devoted most of their lives to training, mentally and physically, to be able to climb that mountain. I'm sure that each one of the climbers that died had a different reason for being there, whether it was for personal glory, another notch on the belt, the view, the adrenaline, or the camaraderie, and so on. They all knew the risks associated with climbing, whether they had been on K2, Denali, or even low lying Mt. Washington (only 6,288 ft). I'm not a hardcore climber myself and have no ambitions of climbing the worlds high peaks, but I do love being outside in the winter. Having climbed several Colorado fourteeners in the winter, and spent many years skiing in New England and Colorado I've had some pretty close calls. Sure they're terrifying when it happens, but looking back I can honestly say that I would rather get swept away by an avalanche doing something I loved than work in an office all my life and die in bed.

    As for calling it a sport, no, I would not consider mountaineering a sport. Climbing would be a sport, in fact there are competitions all across the country every month where professional climbers make their living. These can be indoors or out and many times feature bouldering, a very technical and demanding form of climbing that is relatively low to the ground and the climbers are not roped in.

    If we are going to ban mountaineering because some people died climbing a mountain, why don't we ban people from living in California too since people die in earthquakes, forest fires and mudslides there? All that a ban would do is cause people to break the law because they are going to climb anyway.

  3. That is a good idea.  We should ban mountain climbing, because it is a sport with no economic purpose and people get killed pointlessly.  There are many other pointless pursuits where people get killed, so they should all be banned:  Motocross, scuba diving, ocean surfing, powerboating, air shows, rock climbing, skydiving, ATV & 4WD offroading, spelunking, slot canyoneering, tornado chasing, swimming with the seals, bungee jumping, etc.  And don't forget how children get hurt climbing trees, playing dodgeball, swinging, teeter-tottering, etc.  Only qualified sports with any real purpose to them will be allowed, and even then, it's a privilege, not a right, so all participants would be required to qualitfy for licenses, renewable every four years, the fees going into a national fund for emergency and long term medical care, as well as funeral expenses.

  4. very few people will actually climb K2 (which is the toughest peak to climb in this world) but mountain climbing can be a good sport to take up because you stay fit while getting incredible views when climbing

  5. It's a personal decision. If you're serious enough to be climbing K2 you understand the inherent risks, and despite them choose to climb. I know that climbing is dangerous. I've seen many nasty injuries from compound fractures to near-death deep water soloing accidents (ironically enough, the only deaths I've witnessed were not climbing related). Despite these risks I enjoy the sport, and believe that the fun is worth the risk. Banning climbing is out of the question. It's a matter of personal freedom.

  6. You're kidding, right?

    Why not ban driving because LOTS of people are killed driving?  And think of all the money that could be saved by not having to respond with police and emergency personnel to automobile accidents.

  7. Climbing mountain or trekking is an adventure activity. That said, there are various grades of trekking, starting from easy climbing or hiking to the strenuous trekking. K-2 is among the most difficult mountain to climb.

    The mountain trekking depends upon the type and geography of mountain, climbing season and the condition of the climbers.

    There are many popular mountains that are considered fairly easy to climb, such as Mera Peak (6654m) and Island Peak (6173m). These are also more difficult ones such as Annapurna Base Camp Trek and Mount Everest Trekking, which is the highest mountain in the world, and a popular destination for ambitious trekkers.

    Climbing the highest mountain or mountains is not something that everybody would consider their vacation holiday, but for those who like to challenge themselves and love the glory of nature, I believe trekking the Himalayas is something not to be missed. That's why Everest climbing it is also regarded as one of the top things that one must do before you die. If you go through professional agents, or with professional training, there should be no problem climbing most of the highest peaks of the word.

  8. Yeah of course it wouldn't be banned, the mountaineers only hurt themselves and no-one else so it's their choice, plus banning it would be a ridiculous idea.

    They definitely knew the risks associated with K2, something like only 2.7 people get to the top for every person that dies on K2. But they really wanted to do it, and would probably rather have died whilst climbing than any other way. And at least it was an unavoidable thing (the avalanche) rather than any of their own mistakes.

    Mountaineering is probably not a sport, it's much more of a commitment than that, it's more of a lifestyle. Plus it's not competitive so that takes most of the sporting element out of it.

  9. why banned it?   it's them self who wants to take the risk... no one have force them to do it.?

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