
Is conformity good or bad?

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I know its said to be bad because it removes free thinking and includes giving in to peer pressure for acceptance but what about people like Hitler who were non-conformists? They tried to remake the world to their idea which was warped. It didn't work out so well for them. So is it good or bad?




  1. all depends if you want to be able to trust the behavior of your next door neighbor, or if you want to give them permission to act any old fool way they want.  Got a gun to protect yourself?

  2. It's a natural human trait. We have to believe as we enter childhood that our parents are wise, that the world makes some sense, that in general you shouldn't speak to strangers unless your parents are nearby, that someone will feed you, and so on. As we get older we begin to question some of the assumptions we were brought up with - such as that the Vatican is infallible, that the Bible is inerrant, and so on. If we never question anything, we live life blindly. If masses of people hadn't campaigned to end segregation, it would be hanging over us even more than it does today.

    Yet even so, living life as an adult in total non-conformity with society's rules can make life very difficult. You may not think the rules are right, but you can find yourself labeled a criminal if you ignore too many of them.

  3. There is only one rule

    Is it good or bad in your own judgment?

    If it is good in your judgment but social pressure prevents you from doing it - then it is bad

    If you think something is bad but go ahead and do it just because of social/peer pressure then it is again bad

    But it takes a lot of wisdom and experience to know what is good and bad from the start - and even then we are absolutely sure (like Hitler was) we could be horribly wrong too.

    It's scary and lonely to be original in your beliefs

    So often conformity is a safe place to be

  4. There are too many people in the world who are conformists, "yes" men and women who willingly do what everyone tells them without complaint.  I know I am the exact opposite, stubborn and often unwilling to go along with the crowd.  However, my attitude has been both a negative and positive trait.  But I am told this is actually a good thing.  Overall, being an individual is an admirable quality.

  5. Both. You have to try to understand that even parenting is a type of conformity. your parents, for instance, raised you to meet social standards, made sure you were learning at the same pace as other kids, taught you the essentials. It's  also great to be different as long as you don't go off on a power trip and attempt to abolish an entire race. I think you should be who you want to be. You should be whatever makes you happy. If that person is a conformist, so be it. I don't think it can be summed up as "good or bad". It just IS.

                                                           Good luck!!

  6. There is no such thing as being a non conformist. No matter whether you are republican, democrat, punk rocker, prep, goth or what not there is no such thing and being a non conformist. It is not a question of whether conformity is good or bad it is a fact of life no matter what. But what i feel people don't realize that people are able to think freely in conformity. I feel I can think freely and have new ideas but i get up and go to work every morning come home after work and go to bed and watch some tv.

  7. Conformity is good in the broad definition and individuality is good in the personal sense.

    Meaning, we need the main framework of a society to be conformity, but added to that we need personal individuality. We all need to not kill, but someone needs to come up with the perfect renewable resource.

    It's a hard game to balance both, but the first is needed to stop anarchy and the second is needed to promote progress (conflicting ideas).

  8. To what extent do you take the defination of comformity.  Hitlers non comformaty is a completely different scale then not buying the same clothes as the cool kids.  Conforming is not considered great but for the better good of the whole comforming is some time necessary, conformity is bad but make sure when u break conformity you atleast have some sort of ethical guidline or moral code.

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