
Is diesel bad??????????????

by  |  earlier

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I would like i long answer but not to long.




  1. We need more info on what you want to know its to broad of a question. Are you wanting to know if its bad for the environment or a gasoline car that you accidentally filled with diesel?

  2. Bad is a relative answer.

    From the stand point of the US. Diesel is bad because of the large amount of particulate matter that is released in diesel fumes.

    You can read about all the hazards of this particulate matter here:

    From the stand point as a fuel, it also releases all the "bad" gases such as CO, CO2, NOx that gasoline releases, but the reason the USA uses gasoline over Diesel is due to the particulate matter.

  3. No ! The emission's from diesel are less harmful to the environment.

  4. Sulfur emissions and particulate emissions -- two of the main objections to widespread diesel use in passenger cars -- can be alleviated through the use of low-sulfur petrodiesel and biodiesel fuel.

    from a driver's standpoint, thje objections used to be the characteristic diesel clatter under the hood and bog-slow acceleration.Advances in technology -- Mercedes-Benz's Bluetech engines are but one example -- have succeeded in quieting much of the din, while only losing a few tenths of a second to the gasoline equivalents.

    Of course, diesel engines still have distinctive characteristics. They produce power over an extremely narrow range of rpms in exchange for a huge amount of torque.

    Drivers who can live with these quirks, and who can take care to preventing diesel fuel from gelling in cold weather, can expect to drive a vehicle that gets as much as 49 mpg on thee highway.

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