
Is dogfighting really a big deal?

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i mean, its cruel, but so is cockfighting, our meat processing plants, and our legal fox hunting shindigs, Vick got sent to jail, but THEY EAT DOGS IN CHINA, yea, so what do you think?




  1. i think if you saw some of the documentaries and knew what the process was like, you'd think it was just as disgusting as the meat packing industry

  2. I think its WRONG and CRUEL!

  3. its not a big deal, if the federal government went after everyone else like they did mike vick, dogfighting would not be an issue

  4. We eat the meat of animals for food; this is accepted but, the animal should be treated and killed in a humane way.

    If we have the ability to control animals than we are responsible for their lives. Dog/**** fighting is sick being that if it was not for us placing these animals in that situation, they would not be at risk.

  5. So your argument is: "a thousand wrongs make a right."

  6. watch Animal Cops on Animal Planet & you will see how bad cockfighting & dog fighting are.

    What the h**l does China have to do with anything?

    Edit-Well said Moose. I would give you a star if I could.

  7. They dont play football in china either. The chinese are lucky to get food at all, id eat a dog if i were there too. Cokfighting isnt as cruel considering those are chickens that will be killed anyway. Dogs however arent much of a family dinner.

    So yes, yes it is.

  8. Black dogs are consumed in China, it is a crime to eat yellow or white dogs over there.

  9. it actually happens all the time in the south, the authorities were just waiting till a big name to go with the crime and then stick it to him, Exactly what happened to mike vick.  it kind of is a big deal, but it happens all the time, like tradition. so i think it isnt that bad.

  10. ok, but is electrocuting, drowning, and hanging dogs cruel? yes it is, and that is exactly what was happening at Vick's property...........

  11. Acctually they don't eat dogs in china....Dog is more of a korean thing, anyways we eat cow right? In india they wouldn't even think of eating a cow. To me as long as killing a animal is painless, and humane then it is alright.  

  12. It's freaken horrible and disgusting. We don't eat dogs here in America. They are our pets and companions.  

  13. It's sick and disgusting!!!!

    And for the record, so is **** fighting.

  14. When it's done with airplanes, it's a very big deal.

  15. They are especially fond of black dogs in china it's considered a delicacy.

  16. they don't eat dogs in China they eat dogs in some parts of Korea!

    dude dog fighting! dog fighting! 2 dogs fighting to the death and ppl are gambling on it! that is wrong on so many levels!

  17. 1.  Whether or not someone thinks it is a big deal really doesn't matter.  It is against the law and there is a pretty hefty punishment for it.  If you choose to break the law then deal with punishment.  

    2.  As for what people do in other countries, that also doesn't matter.  People that choose to live in this country need to follow the laws that are in this country.  

    3.  Killing an animal in a humane method for food consumption is not the same thing as torturing it for entertainment.  If a person cannot see the difference simply re-read 1 and 2.  

    4.  There are not any men in the NFL that have been convicted of murder.  The key being "convicted".  Unless someone is convicted of a crime they cannot be punished.  The penalty for a convicted murderer is much greater than the penalty for dog fighting.  

  18. Vick was participating in something he knew was illegal and the morality of the issue shouldnt be the quesiton. If he thinks that is is an unjust law then there are other ways to protest it other than breaking it. and as far as your refrences to China and that I am sure that if he really wants to torture dogs that bad then he can well afford to go to China and do it where there laws may be a little different.  

  19. some people in America love dogs more then people which is dumb     we have the death penality  no one says anything about that  dont say those people are bad cuz are dogs are bad too  and  people hunt deer and shoot other animals no one says anything about that its mostly because people are dumb and racist  so no its not a big deal   go ahead everyone give me a thumbs down im telling the truth

  20. u know he didnt just make them fight he poured water on the loser and electrocuted it

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