
Is douching bad for you?

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I douche once right after every period (so I use like 1 douche a month.) Will douching ONCE a month damage my v****a or something? Any advice?




  1. Yah my gf says she stopped because everyone's (including doctors) are saying not to do it because it kills the good bacteria in the v****a.

  2. I wouldn't douche unless my doctor suggested I do so.

    It gets rid of the natural cleansing of the reproductive organs.

  3. I wouldn't douche.

    It won't "damage" your v****a, but it may upset the chemical balance of your v****a and lead to infections.  

    Your v****a essentially cleans itself.

    Check out the link below for additional information.

  4. As other people have said, douching is not really necessary, as a v****a is "self-cleaning."  If you want to clean yourself there, then I would suggest just doing it in the shower and (with clean hands) stick a few fingers up there, wash them off and repeat.  That's all the "cleaning" it really needs.

  5. Well, as you probably have already read, it is bad for you. Only do it if your doctor says to.  

  6. it's only bad for you if you do it too often. but you need to know that you really don't need to douche! your body naturally does it. the only time you really need to douche is if your doctor says you should. ask your doctor if you should be douching like you are now just to make sure everything is ok!  

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