
Is everyone equal??????

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im not talking about deserving rights but plain and simple "equal"

i say no




  1. Equal in regard to what?  It's obvious that not everyone is equally intelligent, equally rich, equally good-looking, equally educated, equally articulate, or equally anything else.  We are considered equal under the law, and we are certainly equal as human beings before God.  Other than that, nope.

  2. h**l no.  There's no way that I'm equal on any level with some child molester or mass murderer.  I don't normally say this, but there are some people in this world that I'm completely BETTER THAN.

  3. Although everyone is equal under the law, I don't think everyone is equal in all things--some people have more money, are smarter, prettier, have better figures, taller, etc.  

  4. yes, but some are more equal than others.

  5. No one is equal. Anyone who says otherwise is an idealist.

    Even down to our rudimentary blocks of DNA, no one can be entirely the same. Even twins have microscopic differences.

    There is no good reason why everyone should be the same. If a species had members that were all exactly the same, than that species would eventually die out due to a lack of being able to evolve. It is the constant mixing and remixing of genetic traits that allows a population to grow from single-celled organisms to human beings.

    From a non-biological standpoint, people are still unequal in terms of their existence. No one person can be exactly like another and yet maintain their individuality. If everyone were the same there would be no reason or way to differentiate between people. Distinction would cease to exist.

    ... I thought about this too hard and now I have a headache.

    Simple Answer: No.

  6. No - we are not even born equal and this is not a societal stand point but a genetic stand point.  

    Should all people be treated equally - yes, a loud resounding yes, but are we all actually equal - no.

    We do not act as animals (usually) and we do strive to treat one another equally but our inequalities whether perceived or actual are often what cause our societies to divide.  Whether black or white, brown or yellow, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Catholic or Protestant, g*y, straight, tall, short, fat, thin, blonde, brunette, smart, dumb, pretty, ugly or any combination there of...we are not equal.

    We are all unique.  Trite, yes, but true - even genetically speaking.  Save identical twins - we really are all unique and our ability to see past our inherent inequalities not only makes us humane, it also makes us human.

  7. People should all be equal but, the society we live in doesn't view them that way

  8. People are saying that everyone should be equal but it's not at all and they say they're trying to make it so it is but it's not really improving. Things like how some places in Africa don't have much food but here in the U.S. there's tons of food and a lot of the food is wasted.

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