
Is evolution Racist?

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If we follow the Out of Africa Theory.

Then the ******* has been on this Earth for over 130,000+ years. The ******* only left Africa somewhere around 50,000-60,000 years ago. (these evolvoved into other races because of climate)

and the White man has been only been on this Earth for about 30,000-40,000 years. Yet the Entire time Blacks had the Earth to themselves there was no civilization, no written language and they basically didnt advance any higher then what the previous hominoids (homo erectus, neanderthal ect) did. Yet it took the caucasoid only 30,000 years to get to the moon.

Also it has been confirmed that evolving in colder climates (Europeans evolved in Ice Age Europe) has lead to brain growth.

my point is I dont like the theory of Evolution because not only is it ungodley but it trys to proove the intellectual inferiority of certain races.




  1. Rubbish! Evolution does not try to prove the intellectual inferiority of anyone. Evolution is a theory about how species change. Some people may use evolutionary theory to try to make racist claims, but then some people use christianity to make racist claims, use Marxism to make racist claims, etc.

  2. Just because some societies developed skills and "technologies" while others remained relatively unchanged throughout history is not a reflection of intelligence, but rather the "need" to adjust or adapt to changing, external forces. People that remained undisturbed from environmental stresses or outside cultures had no "need" to change. Evolution does a very good job of demonstrating and explaining this idea. Now, go back to your Creationist museum and leave us intellectuals alone.

  3. We did not come from monkeys.

  4. Evolution is not racist...

    One "race" (or ethnicity) of humans cannot be smarter than the other because we are all the same species... and we all intermix.  

    "The authors suggest that a key environmental trigger to the evolution of larger brains was the need to devise ways to keep warm and manage the fluctuations in food availability that resulted from cold weather. "

    The article that you cite states clearly that the variation in cranal capacities are most likely due to the fact that in colder climates humans have a harder time finding food and staying warm... It is necessity that makes humans smart (not the temperature)...

    Evolution is not racist...Evolution states that we are all the same animal....Religion is racist.... Christianity and Judism tell you that it is okay to take on slaves so long as they are of a different race than you....

  5. Everything is racist these days. You can't even mention that somebody is from a different culture these days without being accused of being racist. You always have to watch your back.

  6. ****** are not an older race because they are in Africa.  Many modern ****** are bantos and that is only one group.  There are several "races" that live in Africa.  They include Australnesian, *****, Caucasion, Pygmies and the Bushmen.  It is likely that white people were black before they evolved lighter skin to improve the conversion of ergosterol to vitamin D.  We have mixed so much over that vast time frame that we are all essentially the same people.  The minor difference are just because the population separated for a while.  We didn't just spring up and come into existence because a couple of genes changed and our skin color became lighter.  We migrated out of Africa.  We were the same people even if our skin was darker.

    Whites are no smarter than anybody else.  There is overlap in all "races" with the main difference cultural.

  7. No, Evolution isn't racist.  They weren’t call negroids; Homo erectus is the real term for humanoids of that time. The humanoids that occupied the African region had dark skin due to the consistent sun on their skin which caused to create Vitamin D so help protect the skin which changed the color to a dark tone.  When they migrated to thru the northeastern region due to the climate change in the desert area, their skin changed with the less sun meaning the skin didn’t produce vitamin D (which is why vitamin D is in our milk) and other feature changed (evolved) to adapt to the climate.  But some say there might have been more than one migration because of the Asian regions which they have found older bones than the first thought migration.  Race only came in to describe populations or groups of people as distinguished by various sets of characteristics.

  8. truth is absolute.

  9. it seems like it,but some ppl are ignorant and think that thry didnt evolve from a monkey or come from africa

  10. wow that's really interesting! however i have heard that there is no correlation brain size and intelligence. and maybe they laid the groundwork and set up everything for the caucasoids to come along an build easily off of that? just thoughts! very thought provoking question.  thanks!

  11. I think there's a reason why people lived without what we call "civilization" for 10 million years.  I think they saw what a society based on money would turn into and said "f**k that!".
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