
Is feminism sustainable?

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If we reached a state of equality as envisaged by the feminists Could we dismantle all the pro-feminist laws?

Could we stop all the pro-feminist propoganda, image portrayal, reverse role models?

Could we stop all the poor portayal of men in our media?

Could we stop all the social engineering in our education system?

Or would society revert to a pre feminist state?




  1. Sounds like you are in favor of Big Brother curtailing of freedom of speech and association, and state control of the media?

    How DoublePlusGood!

  2. it must be sanctioned by government and big business otherwise it wouldn't be happening.

    put the money into the hands of the females and let the product manufactures and marketing guys take it back off them.

    feminism = profit

  3. No.



    Yes for both men and women as both are portrayed poorly and unrealistically.


    Possibly and that would be akin to promoting further slavery in the world.

  4. Society would revert to a pre feminist state. Feminism isnt so much a social construct as it is social manipulation.

    Also good points Eoghan.

  5. It's lasted this long; I think it would last even longer if we resolved all the bad stuff you listed.

  6. EXCEllent question!  Read Karkov's book on institutions...

    Any ism is subjected to a power grab and since isms are controlled by humans...then greed, self power, etc will always be the end result...

    The answer is no.  Feminism must crush innocents (by the 100s of thousands) in order to create a new n**i Motherland.

    Sadly this will continue until 1) social chaos  2) we are sending our army to various third world nations to fight for the rights of Muhammad's sisters and 3) until we force a WW4 because of this  (WW3 was the takeover by the media of the USA.)  

    You are a feminist.  You are a human being.  Extreme feminists are not human-their only gameplan is to hurt others.

    They are a disease that MotherNature has spawened to lower the numbers (cause wars) of an overpopulated Earth.

    Sure I believe in helping out African Women achieve equality.

    But not at my American son's expense...

  7. A pre-feminist stage following 3rd Wave feminism would be the only mixture to end this madness.

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