
Is gender equality for women only?

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Really don't understand why at work my boss just call on the guys all the time (especially me) to do work that may not be as pleasant or requires some physical strength like moving boxes of documents. It's not like it is 1 tone heavy weightlifting and impossible to do, just annoying that the women in my office are avoiding all these work by whatever excuses. When I complained about it, I am told to stop whining because I am a guy. I am thinking where does gender equality play or is this some kind of discrimination? Being living by myself I have to do everything: grocery, cooking and housekeeping (the so called women's work back in the days). Are there still such things as each gender's responsibility and work nowadays?




  1. Guys are a lot stronger than women physically so that's why you're being asked for some heavy lifting tasks but it doesn't equate for being discriminated. In my case, I would rather do guy's tasks than doing women's job especially in the house. I'm a boyish girl who goes to gym lifting weights & I'm strong physically. I hate housekeeping & doing the laundry. But many say i should do it coz im a woman.

  2. Positive discrimination much? It's so tiring. There's a program on T.V at the moment called Dangerous Jobs Girls. It's about 3 girls each week trying typically male jobs like tree felling, working on fishing trawlers and such. Trying to prove to themselves and the world that women can do the job. Turns out they can't no matter how nice the program paints them.

    White straight male is the biggest minority and most unrepresented in the UK today. If you're a L*****n asian you've got the UK as your oyster.

    It's sick.

  3. I'm a girl and even I agree.

    Nowadays, only men can be sexist.

    It's really unfair, unless all of those women are either pregnant, on their period or just have a bad back or joints or something, they can lift a pile of paper. They are making women seem weak and helpless.

  4. Yes, it is discrimination.  I would not let a women lift heavy boxes if I could do it for her.

  5. YoOh SeEm LikE a NeRd So He JuST PiCkS U To PiCK On U N iM a GiRL n i ThiNk ThaT Ur MakiNg uS "GiRLs" SeeM LikE NoThiNg SoO FoR uR OwN GoOd StoP WhiNiNg oR MoRe LikE TryNa SeEm All StRoNg WheN U aiNT. So JuST StoP iT BeCouSE iTs OFeNsiVe!!!!!!!!!!!!11

  6. No it's not. In my opinion, men have gender specified roles just like women did. Back in the old days, it was considered a man's job to bring home the bacon and a woman's to cook and clean. Although the women's role seems oppressive, it was equally oppressive to the man.

    However in instances such as women suffrage, there was a definite gender discrimination.

    Nowadays gender discrimination is not as prevalent to either parties...Again, in my personal opinion, just lift a few boxes, what does it hurt? Biologically, we are the physically stronger s*x anyways... Plus it will keep all of your male co-workers' egos in check. Man up! (Pun intended)

  7. We men are useful if you want heavy furniture moved or for carrying boxes.  We are also necessary for reproduction too.  Other than that we are pretty useless.  We smell bad and are pretty ugly, unlike women.  Women have needs we men do not understand.  Just do what they tell you and they will throw you a treat once in a while.  

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